Slow down your music, without the choppy sound of default pitch effect, using VLC

If you haven’t slowed your music then please give this a try. Go to vlc settings

Advanced, clear timestretch box

Audio, save playback speed

Then play your favorite songs at a slower speed. A several % slowdown can give songs a new experience, like hearing a cover song for the first time.

I use playback speed so constantly, daily, that it is getting too repetitive to keep changing the speed, for various songs in a shuffle. Sometimes it is just a bit slow, and sometinmes, a bit too fast.

I would like to have speed presets for all songs, and the ability to set up a playlist based on which speed preset to use for all songs. So you could have three different presets for each song, and three different playlist based on which speed you are in the mood for.

Some changes I want to make to the slider:

Smaller range, and custom optionsm. Default would be something close 60 up to 110%

No dragging sticking, which causes large jumps on initial drag when it does change.

Change arrows to custom amount and higher precision, up to 0.001%

Rename timestretch and provide a ? to have more information about it. It should recommend disabling the setting for slower speeds, and on for faster speeds.

Lines for all %, plus 5 10 points bolder larger. Makes it easy to pick a speed and know how much to move the slider.

These changes will make the feature easier to use, and reduce the need for constant adjustmenrs for each song that starts playing. Also, a playlist with songs matched in speed to one another, along with the ability to then modify the overall speed in - / + % for all songs, on top of the speed preset!