Skyrim Special Edition or Battlefield 1

I am a PC Gamer (which should really go without saying) and I am torn between these two titles. Just to be clear, I have played Skyrim before but not as much as I would have liked. I have been anxiously waiting for the special edition to get back into the world of Tamriel but the release of Battlefield 1, positive reviews by almost everyone (including Angry Joe) has made this a hard one. Also, BF1 costs around 60$ and Skyrim SE costs around 45$ in my area. Bring in the counsel.

P.S: Overwatch is also another game that I would love to get. I will eventually probably end up getting all of these titles, but the question is, what to get now?

hmm. Interesting insight. I thought the new lighting engine was supposed to be one of the main selling points of Skyrim SE. BF1 seems to be the most exciting thing at this point. However, I am not a fan of claustrophobic dark environments, though. I like open world exploration and casual but immersive gameplay. It would be great if you could let me know how BF1 works here.

Are there good deals (Haloween sale is on) for any of these games, to make my choice easier?

Also, an odd question regarding Skyrim SE, the legendary edition is selling for a much lower price than the SE itself, wouldn't buying that (even now) get you the Special Edition at a fraction of the cost?

skyrim SE will eventually be modded into something better then the original modded skyrim, but it's not there yet. give it time to mature and grow while you work on your skills at battling 12 year olds.

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You can get BF1 and wait a bit for Skyrim to come down on price. You can easier get the original Skyrim for like breadcrumbs and a potato chip... It's the same game anyways...

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Civilization VI. Just too many games on my list atm. Can just get one for this month, urgh. Why does it have to be so hard! lol

this first

Eh, Special Edition is shitty.

It's just as if someone put a couple mediocre mods on skyrim with no ENB.

  • $45 is fucking insane btw. I got Skyrim legendary edition for less than $10. So I got the special edition free. Don't ever pay that much for skyrim

Battlefield 1 I've heard is just more Battlefield.

Overwatch is fun but it's just like.....1 mode. I found that it got boring really quick.

Out of all of them I think BF1 would get you the most enjoyment.

Civ VI-terrible AI
Skyrim SE- remember those bugs from 5 years ago? Still there.
Battlefield 1- Camping Simulator

Overwatch- Get reported for being good at the game.

Nothing worth while came out this month.

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Battlefield 1 been wanting a AAA world war 1 FPS for a while. while Skyrim SE is just skyrim and I own skyrim, so i dont need more skyrim, but elder scrolls VI that be nice.

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Just use the Skyrim you have with mods and as for BF1 wait on buying that trash. Watch Total Biscuit's review on it. I don't usually listen to him but man he made many good points about why this game is bad. Now yes the best experience will be in the MPer but when you look up videos on that there definitely is some stupid stuff that carries over from single player to multi-player.

Actually after digging through it, it really is a true remaster. It appears it uses more CPU cores and render distance is no longer tied strictly to u grids. It's a lot more polished under the hood.

Where's that taco girl meme when you need it. Why not both??

All seriousness. Hard choice. Both very different. I'm having a great time in battlefield. Even though it makes me want to put my head through a wall with it's choice in spawning. But skyrim is like a second life almost.

Also for everyone saying skyrim se looks like shit, your just all a bunch of salty kids who can't ever be satisfied. Looks fantastic to me with what they updated visually and once more mods come out it will be second to none.

Aside from the volumetric lights it looks pretty much the same...
I am not gonna play the entire freaking game, to find where did they put some visual updates aside from Nvidia's godrays...

Mute the sound and tell me you can tell by first look which one is which one...
I edited this shit and I still get confused while watching it..

Funny cause when I got the SE version I loaded my old game up with out mods and it looks like ass compared to the new version. Pretty obvious the SE looks way better. It's practically skyrim with a mid grade ENB

I would wait on Skyrim until the holidays once it is on sale or so. By then there will be a greater amount of mods to choose. If you don't have the old Skyrim, I wouldnt recommend buying that over the new one like someone else said, they are exactly the same price right now with all dlc. The new SKyrim is 64bit and that alone is enough for me. I had gotten the old one for like $10 with dlc so I got the new one for free. People just expect too much from shit. If you really like BF1, then get that and wait a while for Skyrim. SKSE needs to be updated first before any involved mods can be updated too, so it will take a while for it to mature.

I don't feel it's as bad as other people say it is, they just expected too much. It's a bit more refined under the hood, its not gonna have 4k textures and parrallax out of the box. Kinda pointless for them to spend more dev time doing more than they already have done when we are just gonna mod the damn thing anyway.

I didn't know about that. That's neat