Skype Takes Forever to Start Up

Everytime i open skype, it starts up, logs me in and goes to the taskbar, but wont open up. It only opens up after 10-15 of waiting. Is there a fix? Im on Win 7 64bit

What is the rest of specs? Are you on an old machine? My laptop is slow aswell but my desktop with an ssd is stupid fast.

Try reinstalling it. -This has solved some issues with mine.

also- It could be your hard drive (if it's not an ssd) is heavily fragmented and causing slow application launches.

Its only skype that does this, steam, (steam games), chrome, etc are all fine its just skype. skype started doing this around 6 months ago (i think), and its really annoying. Its running in the background, but when i click the icon in the taskbar, nothing happens. Im running a older version of skype because the even newer version took longer then the older version. Im on a decent laptop. 

hhmmm, Skype is known for being a pig this way. It may be you hard drive. How recent is it and have you ever defragged it?

What is recent? And i dont think i have ever defragged my hdd, now that i think of it. 

within the last 6months i guess (depend on how heavy you used it)


Download Defraggler It's one of the best free defragging softwares. I full defragg test may take a long time though. analyse it first

In terms of how recent i use skype, i use it almost everyday, in terms of how recent my laptop is its from 2011. Yea ill check it out.