So I've been gaming for a long time, but I feel like I have a real problem. I can't ever can't ever play single player games. I think the only campaigns I have ever completed aside from a handful of N64 and PS1 titles are Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. But other then that, I only play online multiplayer.
I thinks its just because that's what I have always been used to. I started playing C&C and Age of Empires when I was a kid and then gradually moved in the FPS's and MMO's as online multiplayer gained popularity. Its not as if i'm not interested in some of the single player games that have come out. I find myself infatuated with a lot of them, but I usually end up buying them, playing for 30 minutes and never touching them again.
To make matters worse, the people I usually game with stick to online multiplayer as well. Anyone else ever had a problem like this? I feel like there are a lot of experiences I've missed out on because of it. Maybe I'm just a weirdo lol.