Silicon lottery Fx-8350?

My FX-8350 just scored 10.1k points in Passmark for a CPU this puts it as fast as the AMD FX-9590 / I7 4770K and my chip is only at a 4.4Ghz overclock. Have i just won the silicon lottery?

Perhaps not, perhaps so. Are you running Windows 8 by any chance. I believe there was some kind of a glitch that allowed people to score ludicrously in windows 8 do to a programming error in the OS.

What would however be a guarantor of winning the silicon lottery would be the ability to overclock to a very high speed. Have you tried pushing your clock speeds any higher? Around 5GHz with this particular CPU would definitely be a victory in the silicon lottery to me, due to AMD binning chips capable of achieving that as FX9590s, therefore decreasing significantly the chances of getting that magical 5gGHz chip.

My Result FX8350.

Whats your clock speed?

stock ☺

According to this link a stock 8350 gets 9k.  So for a 10% boost in clock speed you're getting around a 10% boost in score.  So I don't know if you've won the lottery.  Also, as the "silicon lottery" deals with overclockability of a chip, I really don't know.  If the highest you can go is 4.4ghz then I'd say the silicon lottery took a crap on your plate though, seeing as most 8350s have their sweet spot around 4.6-4.8.  So until you push your chip as fast as it can go its really kinda hard to tell.

For reference my [email protected] 1.44v seems pretty standard to me, and my passmark CPU mark score is 10935.  I don't know if it makes a difference but I noticed that I'm on performance test 8.0 and MisteryAngel is on performance test 7.0, what test are you running?

Yeah it looks kinda wierd, i did the test several times on 7.0. and i allways get above 15K, on stock. thats more then a i7-4960X lol.

My cpu is just awesome haha

Rest of my setup is on my profile. p.s i did these tests with the stock AMD cooler, also.

Maybe could try 8.0 test someday, That could probably give some diffrent numbers.

You guys.... You're mixing results from different versions of the program.

Yes an AMD fx-8350 will score around 15k in version 7.0 and the 4960x scores 17-18k

In version 8.0 an Fx-8350 scores around 9000 in which the 4960x scores 14k.


As for the original post.... interesting. Something funky is going on there, has the motherboard done something with the turbo clock, might be still giving you a 200Mhz boost. Also the FX-9590's may have been throttling due to their massive heat output.

Thanks for clearing that up Zaginator, I was wondering how the 4960x scored in that test, looked but couldn't find it at a quick glance.  I still would like to know what version of Passmark that the OP is using, because if he's on 8.0 then something is up.  Also, the 9590s score would be close to mine, as they only turbo up to 5ghz, when not turbo-ing they run at 4.7ghz, so the score of ~10k makes sense.  

Given that at stock the 8350 gets around 9k in 8.0 and I'm getting around 10k, thats an 11% increase for a 20% increase in clock speeds.  Apply half of that for the 10% clock gains he has (400/800= .5, ~11*.5 =  ~5.5%) and you get the performance gains he should expect from that overclock, so on 8.0 around 9.5k for the final score.  If he's on 7.0 like MisteryAngel, and based on that score at stock, he should score roughly 16k.  So something is going on here!

Agree, could be a diffrence in the diffrent passmark tests.

I´m abit to lazy to download the newest one. lol ☺

You can say, that the FX8350, should score arround the same as the i7-3770K on stock.. I think the 10K score with the overclock could be legit, if on 8.0 test. since an 3770K on stock scores arround 9500 pts. also the fact that your cpu is at 4.4ghz, so basicly the same speed as a FX9370 on stock. so its not that strange at all. FX8350 and FX9370 are not that much diffrent, only higher stock clocks. other then that, same architecture, same everything. only higher tdp.

So those numbers seen normal to me. You just have a good FX8350 ☺

4.4Ghz is not the highest by far that I can go but im using an air cooler on a hot day * 20c outside let alone in my suna for a room* and i'm using windows 7 and 8.0. also FX-8350 has a stock boost clock to 4.2Ghz so I have only increased the clock by 200Mhz. temps were  around 45-50 during the tests and this is apparently  good for an air cooled Cpu.


My Fx-8350 score 2end time round

What are voltages?


stock so around 1.3

It doesn't look to far off from mine. Which has the same overclock and stock voltage. 


See how much more you can push it with that voltage. 

I managed to get it to 4.6Ghz with the air cooler before the temps got quite high but it didnt fail at all and it was at very stable at that clock/voltage. i watched a overclocking video and the guy said [email protected] you need to up the voltage or it crashes but so far mine hasnet become unstable or even got close to crashing even @4.6 with a air cooler and very high temps

Wait, so if you didn't up the voltages, how are you getting higher temps?

the mhz was overclocked, used same voltages but diffrerent  mhz