i have an iphone 5 64gb and im wondering should i jailbreak my phone, what are the risks and benefits of doing so.
risks: derping up the jailbreak and having to reinstall your device, apple not liking you and your device locking up every time you use itunes (going tinfoil here, but that happens every time to my 4th gen ipod touch), installing something bad/broken and once again having to reinstall.
downside: you're pretty tied down on doing any iOS updates afterwards.
benefits: configurability, non-appstore apps, tweaks apple devices lack, etc.
in the end its up to you if you want to dig into it or not.
i'd beg to differ: the springboard tweaks on cydia seem pretty valuable to me, i had a dropdown menu on my 4th gen ipod touch before apple even thought it'd be useful, as well as a vnc server that came in handy once or twice, animated lockscreens, a means of replacing ugly icons with self-made ones.
i know the list is rather unimpressive, but to me it was worth the time.
You get some cool tweaks but it will run like ass. Your pick.
No, you should go buy an android phone.
Is there something in particular your trying to accomplish by doing such a thing?
Just do it. Its a learning experience if anything but your phone might crash more thats the only downside.
Because apple is much safer?
I'd Jailbreak, but only with >A5 chips, because the added bloat to iOS adds a certain level of strain on older hardware. Just make sure that if you do, you make use of it past the fancy new animations. Grab some PC applications from good Cydia sources, and mess around with shit like metasploit etc.
ya thats my opinion too. lol
Ummm... No. Just no. Seriously? Android=mobile Linux distros>iOS>MicroJunk.
Wait for EOL. I have rooted two android devices in the past of which I regret doing to this day due to the fact that I had voided my warranty. Then again, it's your money.
Personally, i dont why your would spent that kind of money on product that will force you to jump through so many hoops to do what you want. I love android even if it is not perfect. Having choices is far more important, and apple will never be a option.
Unlocking your devices potential doesn't make you a pirate. If anyone's a pirate it's OEMs for locking up your device in the first place.
Just re-flash the device with backup that you (should have) made (if you're smart).
I know next to nothing about iOS as a system. I know even less about jail breaking iOS devices.
With that in mind. Do it. Not for knowledge or piracy. Do it because it is your damn right to do so assuming you own the phone and you are not on contract.
It is plain wrong that we are being told how and when to do things by companies and people who know nothing about us as people.
You are from this point on no longer drink water on Tuesdays. Or eat chocolate on Saturday. That is what locking devices is for me. Arbitrary rules setup for no other purpose but to keep you from doing exactly what you want when you want to do it.
Do it. Unlock you wrongfully locked phone. Be happy.
This really annoys me.
We are all noobs at one point sir. Not everyone is perfect. Don't act like intelligentpeople don't make mistakes, because believe it or not everyone does. I'm only human, so in which case are not we all ignorant?
If you don't do it you're not living up to your username. DO IT SON, DO IT! Consequences shmonsequences!
I would definitely, heres why:
1. Jailbreaking is not really hard, if you can understand English
2. Opens a whole new portal to a new world, you didn't know that you could draw for your passcode, did you?
Here are some downside though:
1. It makes your devices slower
2. If i recall correctly, Apple won't cover any device (still has warranty ofc) that has been jailbreak.
3. If you installed anything that might not be compatible, you might ending up with an Apple logo on your phone screen and stay like that
If you jailbreak, i would recommend not install too many tweaks/apps, since it'll slow down your phone significantly
Really depends on whether you would fully utilize the jailbreak as for example i always considered on whether or not that i should jailbreak as there are many advantages such as full customization over your phone. The best thing that helps me to decide is whether the pros outweigh the risks for you. The risks being that you can have a drastically shortened battery life due to all the background services which are running, the fact that you can't do any over the air updates and etc... Like for me the only thing i would use it for is the free apps and the custom themes but i have found a way round the free apps so that isn't really something that makes me want to jailbreak and all that is left is the custom themes which isn't worth it in my opinion, but hey this is just me.