Should i do it?

I'm thinking switching but i have no idea what its all about besides that its open source and really cant be held back. I'm thinking this because of how much Logan has been talking about it, could someone please give me some advice or SOMETHING to go over everything that i would need to maybe do a duel boot or even just a full switch? Also should i switch period i know its going to be a "bit" tougher with gaming (by "bit" i mean like some games are just not a thing from what i have heard), but windows is annoying for a few reasons. Any advice would be awesome ( now that i think of it heck even having partition or something to duel boot win or linux would be cool). 

You can run many distros straight from a USB flash drive. Certain features won't work and it will be slow(er) because you're booting from USB, but you'll be able to at least get an idea of what Linux feels like. Choose a couple distros to start with (check this thread for recommendations). If/when you find one you like, move up to dual-booting with Windows maybe and go from there.

That's one of the really nice things about Linux, if you don't like it you can change it.

+1 Try it for yourself. Try different distros out either from a live environment (usb boot) or in a virtual machine. Just remember to backup important data before you start playing on your hardware (you won't risk anything in a VM tho). Also drop the windows mindset when you're running linux and learn how to use it properly. Like everyone keeps saying, it's not windows, so don't expect it to behave as such. And if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Sounds good I just want to be sure because I have borrowed my copy of windows and I want to be sure that when I switch I will be happy and all. Plus from what it looks like there is going to be a decent learning curve comparatively to windows, just because I have used it on every single computer I have ever had.

It's easy to install Linux in a virtual machine. You can use free virtualization solutions such as VMware Player or VirtualBox. Just download an ISO image of the Linux distribution you would like to use (i recommend Ubuntu) and try it. 

Download Ubuntu ISO image here:

Get more info about VMware Player or Virtualbox:

When I booted a Live USB on an old P4 machine, it was far faster than the standard hard drive in that thing. I just couldn't figure out how to get the USB WiFi card to work...

For start (and further use) you can try Linux Mint "Rebecca" - Cinnamon, you have "test" mode (read manual), and it is very simple and good Linux distro. I took recommendation from TS, and as soon as tried, 5 minutes in, decided to install it alongside with Windows, and enter windows only for gaming (few times a month).

My experience is, much more stable then Ubuntu (for my hardware), much better, compact etc., fall in love imidiately :).

If you don't game as often, you def. should.

Even if you do game often. If you are willing to try the Linux side of gaming you can have a real blast.