I have the asus zenith ii extreme alpha motherboard but rumors have it that august will be releasing the next gen of threadrippers which will be backwards compatible with TRX40.
Noone can tell you if you should, that’s your decision.
Do you need it now (i.e. do you have nothing else to work with)
→ yes → maybe, but could also get something else cheap/used in the meantime that does the job
→ no → no
Ultimately your decision. I wouldn’t expect much of a price drop tho [unless the performance gains, are just DUMB].
It would be the right move on AMD, for the backwards compatibility, in addressing a more lateral move from Zen2-3 [compared to the architectural + electrical pinout shuffling, which forced that move from sTR4 → TRX4].
if you if you need the performance and think the gains are worth the outlay. then go for it.
if not. wait.
but also wait with the intention of actually buying. rather than wait and just as its launched, hear another rumour of a 6 month off part and decide your gonna wait on that instead.
as you will end up waiting till they produce a chip that wont fit on your board but you want that one now
I am also waiting for the new threadripper to arrive, if its not urgent like everyone else suggested, then rather wait it out
Probably going to have a lot of constraints on product availability unless you order prefab. Just a thing to keep in mind if your waiting and looking to do DIY
After seeing Threadripper Pro, being an OEM exclusive for a period [via Lenovo], I wouldn’t be surprised of that maneuver for these Zen3 TRs… Then again, AMD may reduce TR production, in favour of them Epyc chips [towards existing drop-ins / new clients alike]
Depends. Do you need it right now? If so, grab the 3970X. Zen3 TR is apparently going to be released in August according to leaks so if you don’t need it right now, wait for the 5970X.
The ‘if only’ cycle never ends.
Buy what you need to do the job at hand or upgrade if financially viable. Remembering that time=money.
would absolutely wait
begin 2020 I built a 3960x MSI TRX40 Creator water cooled PC
after seeing the impressive ryzen 5000 benchmarks I sold the cpu but kept the motherboard which for me has the best PCB layout ever (and now costs 150$ more)
now I’m in a position where I could take that risk because I have more than one computer but I’m indeed waiting for TR 5xxx and crossing my fingers that they will 1) exist 2) be compatible with TRX40
I didn’t wait long to get a 3000 threadripper after it’s release, like 2 months which for Europe is almost “day one” but the times were different
even with a much lower demand we might have to wait several months this time
In South Africa surprisingly we dont wait that for product releases( recently). Most of them are released on launch day or sometimes you wait 2-3 weeks. The exception so far I have seen has been Threadripper Pro - that was a good couple of months but the demand for them is low
I’d sit tight.
i’d be tempted to put money on the new Threadripper being ddr5.
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