Should I buy a domain if I want to run my own cloud storage?

Should I buy a domain if I want to run my own cloud storage? I am planning to use owncloud or nextcloud in my freenas box and host my own cloud storage.

I want HTTPS/encryption for the cloud. Is it recommended to buy a domain and link it to my WAN IP?

It primarily depends on whether you want it to local only or accessible on the interest, having a domain will make it easier to access the site as you won't have to remember the ip address but it isn't really necessary and you can still use HTTPS without a domain, it'll just always show that the certificates are insecure.

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Required? No. Recommended? Yes.

A domain makes everything easier, you can get a free cert from Let's Encrypt, and you can use dynamic DNS so if your WAN IP ever changes you're not locked out of your stuff. Namecheap with CloudFlare's free tier is what I use.


As @K4KFH suggests if you want to start using SSL Let's Encrypt is a good option:

You also might want to look at these:

The first link will help you setup your web server configuration for SSL, I use modern in Apache/Nginx as all the devices I have are fairly new, and the second link will test your SSL setup and give it a rating with suggestions on how It could be improved.

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Thanks for the reply.
You got free domains from mNameCheap and CloudFlare?
I would go here and just make a free domain?

I would just have to go into the domain control panel and link my WAN IP?

So the cert gives me the HTTPS?
EDIT: Im going to apply for student GitHub Developer Pack to get a free domain from NameCheap

THanks for the reply.
So Let's Encrypt provides proper and free encryption?

For the web server, do I need another computer to self host?

If I am not very experienced, will this project be very difficult?

Yes, lets encrypt provides proper SSL encryption for free.

Also I'm not familiar how a owncloud/nextcloud setup on FreeNas works as I run it on my dedicated server with apache but the SSL confirmation isn't too hard to setup as there are loads of resources available to help you, lets encrypt is very well documented and the link I stated in my other post basically does the configuration for you.

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NameCheap is paid without the student thing, but CloudFlare is free regardless, they're just a CDN. You could use just NameCheap but I kinda like CloudFlare.

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Cloudfare is completely free for just a basic domain?

What else do I need to setup for my cloud storage.
Is most of the networking procedures done within the web interface of owncloud/nextcloud.

I want to use the freenas plugins for the cloud, do I need a seperate machine for anything else or can it be run solely on my freenas box.

Specs of freenas box:
i3 4130
Supermicro X10 something
16GB ECC memory
4x4TB WD Red

ownCloud can be run on FreeNAS, but you will have to forward some ports in your router and such.

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