Share your experience with shotgunning beers. Do you think it's a waste, or a thrill? I just did the other night and I gotta say it is quite thrilling indeed. A bit hard to keep down the first time but totally worth it.
Shotgunning is something I'd only do with a shitty beer. Though I do think that the red plastic cup is the best for speed.
Agreed, before you think of shotgunning get a better beer!
Never do it with ice cold beer.
How to:
1. Tilt beer bottoms up pointing toward you.
2. Make hole vertically from opening on bottom lip using keys or something sharp.
3. Open and inhale from the hole.
- from ex frat boy.
- step 2 is necessary to prevent spillage.
I don't usually get drunk off of beer so shotgunning seems to help catch a buzz but now I just do shots between beers.
Up here in Canada we have a specific beer for doing that--> MOLSON COLD SHOTS.
It's a 6% beer in a smaller volume can, complete with a BULLS-EYE on the side of the can! Simply tilt beer on side so air bubble goes to where bulls-eye is, use small knife to gently puncture, place lips on hole, crack the tab and down she goes!
I personally used to shot gun beer fairly often in University, especially when I was a Residence Advisor (Dorm Police)! LOL Some nights when I was on duty a crowd would come to my door with the beer bong and not leave until I drained it... Yah, I don't even drink anymore but I had some fun.
Haha yeah I live here, too. Funny you posted this information, a co-worker of mine just told me about these a few hours ago! Gonna give em a try sometime.
i did it when i was 19 and it got me really drunk, but also sick cause i cant down drinks that fast.
Any of you tried beer bongs?
When I was 22 I set a record (amongst my friends) of 3 40oz malt liqueurs (colt 45 ). I agreed to try 2 but as I started my "spotter" added a third. I got it all down but was burping foam for about 10 minutes.
See my above comment... Beer bongs were a regular fixture at my dorm... I never went for 40oz Malt Liquor though... The worst I did from a beer bong was the 'home brew' beer that some of the guys made in their dorm room bathrooms... Whatevs, got us plastered...
I only shotgun when I'm trying to catch a fast buzz or it's a shitty beer. The other night my friend had a case of Natty Lights in his fridge so we just shotgunned all 12 before we started drinking our Michelob. Shotgunning a good beer is a waste. Don't shotgun ice cold beer though it fucking sucks.
Meh, shotgunning beer is for getting drunk. Only to be done with cheap beer. On that note, getting drunk is overrated, and if I'm going to drink something, might as well enjoy something tasty.
Yeah getting drunk isn't worth it unless you're around the right people. I prefer to just be a little buzzed, especially at parties with a lot of people. You never want to be that one drunk idiot lol.
Once with shitty beer. it was a laugh but I was all ready fairly drunk. So it did not add to the expereince, juts got rid of shitty beer before I had time to realize it was shitty.
I used to shotgun 16 OZ Bud back in the 80's just for a quick buzz usually followed by Little Kings Cream Ale since that was a favorite of mine back then.