I'm currently living in a student accommodation so don't have access to the router. In my room we one access point. I've been wanting to get a tablet and with the price drop of the shield k1 I'm probably going to get one. Since the wifi here is pretty crappy, my network drive and pc are connected to a switch which is connected to the access point.
I'm really interested in gamestream and it would be cool to sit in my bed and play some witcher. Would I get 1080p 60fps streaming if i used a microUSB to Ethernet adaptor to connect the tablet to my network switch or does it have to go through a router.
I feel like its a stupid question but one that I'm curious about.
Yes it would work.
(Basically) Routers are essentially switches, but with additional services running on top. (Like DHCP and DNS)
I do not know how limiting microUSB would be, but with USB2.0 standard you are limited to around 280Mb/s (in theory it is higher, but in practice its around there)
On a different note, you have your NAS connected to someone else's network.... you are crazy! I would swap your switch for a router this would secure your network up a little.
Everything in my NAS is grouped up into password protected folders since I knew that the apartment at least would be on the same network. You were saying I can swap out my switch for a router to make it more secure.
how would I go about doing this and will it work with most routers. back at home we have a few spare routers. But what would you reccommend?
Cheers for the help :)
If you go with one of the home "All in one" routers (so router,switch and wireless) you would essentially hook the WAN port upto the access point and just make sure that the private LAN (on the inside of the router) is different to that of the private LAN you are connecting to. Then you could just setup your own WiFi network and have a better wireless experience as well.
Hey presto. The only reason I bring this up is A: you kill 2 birds with one stone B: passwords can be broken easily (especially if you are not aware they are being attacked)