Setting up ubiquity remote networks/site to site vpn

Thank you for the suggestion. I will look into that.

I’m now back at the site, current time is 23:44. About 20min after I left all the ubiquity gear went offline and he lost internet connection. I think that something did a firmware update and wreaked the network.

Spent an hour on the phone with ISP level 3 tech. The ISP router stopped giving me an IP address for some reason. Have to wait until the morning to talk to a level 2 tech.

Also confirmed that I was double NAT which is why I was having so many problems with the UniFi stuff. Will be getting a fixed public up address as well so that I don’t have to circumvent their router.

This makes a whole bunch of tunneling stuff much much easier (insert analogy about fastest tunnel digging from both ends).

I am somewhat worried about the overall availability of the ISPs network. Sincerely, good luck!

Finally got everything done today and feel confident that everything is good to go now.

UniFi USG, AP, 2 switches, a synology NAS , and a cloud key. The power is going to be upgraded to a proper battery backup and the switches will be consolidated to a single 8 port in the near future but now everything is functioning better than it ever has.

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