This was interesting, I bought a cheap and nasty switch, because it had 2 SFP+ ports on it, and I have a TrueNAS running a couple of Virtual Machines and I wanted to move them over (nto in any real sense, I mean make them on Prox and just delete from TrueNAS) to a ProxMox box that had SSD - I thought it would make my life easier.
Both have 10gb NICs for SFP+ using DAC cables - one is a Chelsio 520 the other is an Intel 520, both good cards both work fine.
So, I plug in TrueNAS.
No problem at all, automatically configures, I have 10gb connection on the NAS.
Proxmox - not so much.
These are the things I did that got it to work - I am going to omit the 37 other things I did that didnât work - this wasnât a case of - I knew what I was doing and it was easy, it was a lot of trial and error - but once you know, it isnât that difficult.
Type in:
ip address
This should show your network cards - they are not easy to spot, because they have really bad names. Like enp3s0 - great - which one is that exactly?
For me, I was able to identify what I needed because 1 entry had f0 and f1 - and there are two ports on the Intel card. I was also able to identify my onboard Ethernet - because Proxmox was assigning an IP to it - even though it wasnât plugged in.
So to fix that:
cd /etc/network/
nano interfaces
Here I typed in an entry that mirrored the ethernet entry that already existed, just using the ethernet that ended in f1 - as that was the port I was plugged into.
I then used the # to comment out the on board ethernet.
Then again:
ip address
Both my cards had a state that was DOWN.
So I did:
ip link set <ethernet port> up
This brought up my port, but it didnât assign anything, even though I had assigned it the same IP that proxmox needs in the interfaces file.
I then ran the command:
dhclient -v <ethernet port>
This assigned a random IP to Proxmox - Proxmox doesnât work with Random IP addresses - but I needed to be able to find it on my Router, so that I could then assign it the proper IP address, as a static IP - my Router relies on the mac address.
I then went to my router, and set a fixed IP address that matched the IP address that Proxmox wanted.
I then restarted the machine - went through the IP LINK SET process above again, because it was down again, and then did:
dhclient -v <ethernet port>
This called to my Router, that recognised the static IP that Proxmox wanted and assigned it that IP address.
I now have 10gb SFP+ connection on Proxmox.
Just in case anyone encounters this, I couldnât really find a proper write up anywhere I looked, so instead opted for âfixingâ a broken ethernet port that wasnât working.
If someone knows an easier way to do this? I could be I suppose write a start up script that does this, there are now a few annoying things I have to do at start up in various places that I have been thinking about just writing a script to do - but if there is an alternative, I am always good with the lazier way.