Setting up a secure VM for hacking

What is the best way to setup a vm so I can practice using a VM but without any actual linking to the outside world, so more setup like a local network with no outside access?
I will be using Kali on one vm and maybe DSL first and move up to XP and so on.


Setup a test lab. What are you using for your VM's? VM Workstation, VMPlayer, or VirtualBox?

Personally I have found VirtualBox for setting up a virtual network of machines with Kail Linux to be the easiest most successful. Others may have different experiences..

  • Get Metasplotiable2 VM Image (Google it) which is a purposefully exploitable Linux image for testing.
  • Create a VM in VirtualBox with the network adapter set to inet Setup your Kali Linux in another instance of Virtualbox with its adapter set to inet. (I usually add a second adapter to link to the outside world to ensure I keep Kali updated..but isn't required)

Happy Hacking in a secure realm.

i recommend vm workstation as you can even emulate network components.

I would use VMWare but its rather expensive lol

You're an Arch man - stick with what you know ;) - Linky

I know im an Arch man :P
Whats this distro like compared to Kali?

AA is geared towards more experienced pen testers, and has a growing community of professionals making builds of their tools, - you don't find that anywhere else publicly available. Although anything RCS based can be built anywhere and isn't really distro specific, it's just knowing who is building what that makes the difference.

Well I know that OS is building Kali, but cooperate business?
Be like Red Hat or M$ building a pentesting tool I suppose, NSA all over it

How do you do this? Enable internal adapter? again this is to completely lock both systems down into their own world

See here for an example how to for VirtualBox:

What I have done to date is setup the following virtual test lab

Kali Linux VM
Metasploitable VM - Linux Victim
Windows XP SP2 VM - Windows XP Victim 1
Windows XP SP3 VM - Windows XP Victim 2
Windows 7 SP1 VM - Windows 7 Victim
Windows 8.1 VM - Windows 7 Victim

So much fun (yeah I know such a geek). Using Metasploit took over the Windows XP boxes and deposited various files on them :-)

Not if you have a few keys ;)

To enable networking in a VM you either need an ethernet cord or an external wireless adapter. Both are extremely easy to set up. The key point here is that you can't use your internal wifi card for a VM.

Okay so I will be using XP and Metasploit but I have no internal wifi card and only my Ethernet port, so yeah lol.
I was hoping there was some way to internally connect them together so they are linked together and not to the outside world.

Feeling real generous, so I'll post 5 keys for Workstation 11:






Excellent guide.

Shows these 3 things.

  1. Connect from my laptop to my virtual box through ssh and sqlplus, with fixed ip-address.

  2. Simulate a private network, a network between the virtual boxes, also with fixed ip-addresses.

  3. Occasionally connect to the internet from within the virtual boxes. To performs a ‘yum update’ and that kind of stuff.

Should be exactly what you're looking for, just different OS's.

Use host only network connection in virtual box.

Thanks, if I cant use KVM may use them :)