Server Computer Build

Hello all, I'm looking to build myself a server computer.


My reasons for the build: 

 ~I've recently programmed a music streaming application so I can stream my music library to anywhere I want, including outside my network. Basically so that I can have it one place while being able to access from all my computers.

~Shortly I shall be releasing another program I've been developing for a few months now and that will need to do checks and download update and resources.

~File server. Google Drive and other various cloud storage don't have enough storage for me.. I want at least 50GBs and I don't want to continuously pay someone for it


There ya go! My Reasons. Price wise, if you could give me a low end build and a mid range build that's be great. (Low-End == $100-$300 && Mid-End == $301-$600)

I already have about 10TBs of 7200rmp Hard Drives Laying around so I don't need hard drives
I also have about 24GBs of RAM laying around so I shan't need that either.

Thanks guys for your help! 

get soem low end xeon some good mobo raid card and youre good