The corners aren’t round, very unprofessional.
I also cracked one fan blade of the nf-a9x14.
I super glued it and it works fine. Now it is unbalanced, but it makes only a bit more noise, and you can hardly even see it in the pic.
You flip the fan and use it as an exhaust and these ducts sit in between.
They reduce turbulence and air recirculation, but they introduce more noise when the side panel is closed.
Heat creep affects everything, even steel. The question is how long it takes for something to fail.
PETG has a glass transition temperature of 90 degrees and the system gets pretty toasty.
Heat treated htpla is mind blowing. I wanted to try Formfutura’s volcano pla.
The fan exhaust was right up against the side panel. That introduced some turbulance and noise.
The flexible filament gasket is a good idea, it will form a seal and reduce air recirculation.
I was more thinking about deflection temp than glass transition, but I suppose when there is creep that can ah… creep up on you.
I’m not a big fan of petg or pla for anything except low stress enclosures or art pieces. I can just about manage ABS if the planets are correctly aligned and the 3d printing gods accept my sacrifice of cleaning filament.
I totally get your caution, especially after Stefan’s experience with nylon cf, double especially in your gorgeous low volume build.
I know, right? Witchcraft. You can do similar if you anneal but who’s got time?? Haha
I’m not sold on fibre reinforced filaments. It’s not that they’re bad, I think they just tend to be marketed as if they work the same as your pa6 gf30 tool injections. They don’t. Great for impact resistance, warping, dimensional accuracy etc, but that’s it. The fibres are teeny.