I'm selling my computer on Craiglist and I was wondering what things I should do to it to make sure any of the data on the hard drives do not get into the wrong hands.
to ensure data cant be recoverd at least 3 passes should be used. 7 would almost guarantee that it cant be recovered.
If it were me, I'd just put a new hard drive in there. Can never be too careful.
I would but I don't have the money. I'm selling it just so I can get a better computer together.
As @Dje4321 said dban will clear it.
Or just take out the harddrive and lower the price a bit.
But if you want to sell it with an OS use dban on it then reinstall windows or an linux distro and you're good to go imo.
Sorry for hijacking the topic but I'm curious if tools like CCleaner are sufficient for this job too?
(sorry for German)
It says "i Secure deletion of content in free drive storage" but below at "Löschen - Nur freien Speicher" you can set it to either "only free storage" or "complete storage". And you can set how often it will be overwritten.
Havent tried CCleaner, but it depends on the number of writes. anything less than 3 and you can usally recover data.
Just don't provide the machine with an HDD.
Or you could just sell your system without HDD´s.