Would there be any point in de-googling your life using a GCE(google's VPS offering) instance? Part of me argues maybe, part of me says that's stupid. I feel like doing that would still be better than using their services because short of a ram dump they can't really get any info out of the VPS. Any ideas? I like google because they have dirt cheap VPS options and I'm familiar with the platform. The only crap thing is they block port 25 so mail is out without the use of a bouncing service but if I were to setup a personal cloud or other web service and not bother with email would there be a point? Or would it be no better than just using their services and I should just go with another VPS provider.
Depends on your threat model. The main reason to do something like this is so Google can't read your email and files then serve you ads based on its contents. If you don't want them to do that then GCE would be fine. They would not be able to access your incoming emails and scan them for keywords.
But if your worried about law enforcement snooping on your email, it may not help. Your data is still on Google's servers. So in theory law enforcement could request the contents of any virtual disks on your account and go through your email that way.
If your your worried about NSA (like the NSA scanning all incoming data to Google (not saying thats happening)), just get off the internet.
XD...well I'm obviously not worried about the government/NSA...if I were you're right...just get off the internet but I'm mainly talking about google and that's what I figured. It's fine for this kind of use.
I'm a local machine terminal basher so I've never used any of these services before but, I now have a mail server running on Inmotion with a .tech domain. While I'm sure I could've gotten it running by reading the documentation, it's nice to follow level1tech created guides.
Thanks, @wendell as well as anyone who participated in the creation of this guide. I greatly appreciate it. I look forward to more guides especially with Linode and similar VPS services.
At 4:01 into the video, you had mentioned not signing up with the domain name for your main server instance, i.e. use vps.wendell.tech instead of wendell.tech. I think I screwed the pooch during signup when I entered my domain name, a la muugen.tech instead of vps.muugen.tech.
How screwed am I? Honestly, I do not plan on keeping Inmotion Hosting, but I wanted to learn how to use cpanel, so I bought one month's worth of server time. But now, I'm wondering if I just made it incredibly difficult for myself to switch hosting providers?
It's not tremendously difficult to switch . The weird part is when adding the cpanel account for the main domain. I am not sure if whm will let you map through the first cpanel account to be the main thing. Probably? Give it a try and report back :)
I should have known I could re-name my main server. Here's how:
Log into your InMotion hosting account and click on WHM
To the left of the VPS server name, click the plus (+) sign
Find Modify Account, then click on it.
Where it says Primary Domain, change it what you want it to be i.e. vps.muugen.tech
Scroll down to the bottom and click Save
You should be brought back to the top of the page and see messages related to the changes you've made or any error messages.
From the I went back to my list of accounts and followed your video as normal.
I listed the Modify Account steps as you can click the check box to Enable SPF if you messed up and didn't check it the first time in creating the mail server.
Right now, I'm in the stage where I'm waiting for the DNS changes I made to take effect. I will tell you how everything went afterwards.