Searching for the lowest latency m.2 storage for a laptop

The majority of consumer Optanes—unfortunately—do not support OPAL. The P4800X and P4801X series are the only ones which Intel claims to do so. (I own SSDs from that series and I can confirm.) Now I said “majority” which means there might be one consumer Optane series which supports OPAL: the H20. The drives have a PSID on the sticker, which would only be present if some OPAL-like interface were exposed.

Why have I not confirmed it yet? Well… H10s and H20s present their own host of problems. :wink:

To add to the discussion:

As usual, you’d have to test on your own hardware under your usage scenarios to get the most accurate data.

@mtchetch, you’re either going to have to find your compromise point between Bitlocker tanking performance and NAND having five to ten times higher latency, or self-experiment with H20. :slightly_smiling_face:

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