When Flappy Bird was released two mouths ago the world when bat-shit crazy, with videos poping up everywhere of people destroying phones, and get amazing high scores. Now a new threat faces the PC users, Flappy Doge, we PC users may as well as start throwing our laptops and windows 8 tablets at the wall.


Play if you dare: 

Wow a game that actually controls worse than Flappy Bird. Thought that was impossible.

Bet it will not grab that much attention. Sorry.

I don't get the appeal of flappy Bird. I played it and it's only hard because of the controls.

Exactly. People are selling iPhones with this game on it on Ebay for thousands of dollars. People are actually bidding on them too, which is really sad. 

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with Android like I got the .apk I can install it on anything lol

i have the apple .whatever file

i dont think that's real, if any of those actually make it to sale every single person is going to back out

Don't just assume against one platform. Remember that this game was available on Google Play. And when you do get the number of audiences (players), there's bound to be any phone with this game installed on popping up online.

And remember, a jailbroken iOS could mean that you can install the apps not published on the App Store.

For the love of...