Basically, what the title says.
Does anyone have any experience with both the Schitt Magni and Modi, and the ODAC? The price saving is drawing me towards the Schitt stack.
Can anyone vouch for either?
Basically, what the title says.
Does anyone have any experience with both the Schitt Magni and Modi, and the ODAC? The price saving is drawing me towards the Schitt stack.
Can anyone vouch for either?
If you can solder you can make an O2+ODAC combo for about the same price as the Schiit Stack, maybe even a little less.
Other than that I can say that the O2 specifically works nice. Haven't used any of the others.
Thanks for the link. But wasn't NwAvGuy's quarrel with the power surge when the Asgard was shut off? I can't find anyone reporting the same thing with the Magni.
I'll look into putting an O2 together myself. Might work out close to the same price depending on customs fees. I'll probably end up soldering on a cap the wrong way round haha
Just don't forget that there are European sellers as well. Epiphany Acoustics (UK) and Headnhifi (Swiss) I believe are actually cheaper than the US sellers.
And the PCB itself actually shows which way to attach anything that is polarized or otherwise needs to go a specific direction.
I believe that was the problem. It was the Asgard and has been fixed (the owner of Schiit is still a bit of a dick though).
I have Objective 2 + ODAC And have had no problems with it, I'm very happy with my purchase and with the quality of the product. I can't speak for Schiit but based on the post Logan has posted, i would not buy one.
Sad to see linus promote that product.
I have owned both Schiit Stack (Magni + Modi & Uberfrost + Asgard 2) and the O2 + Odac, I can say the Schiit is by far better in my opinion. Build quality, and customer service is much better at Schiit than at Mayflower (Can't speak for JDS Labs though)
I have a Schiit Stack and I think its pretty damn good. Never used the mayflower though.
Just to add, as far as sound goes, having listened to both combos, the sound and clarity is very similar. I wouldn't give either the edge in that department, and both are very good for the price.