SAS BMS with zfs

What are your thoughts on SAS BMS when used as devices in a raid pool ?
this is for a home NAS, backup och camera picatures, mobile and other media, no production usage.

BMS has a clear use case with no zfs, but when using zfs in a home server Im thinking about disableing the feature.

sure it can find and perhaps correct badblocks on a low level, but zfs will correct the issues in a read or scrub.

constandly reading when idle, I dont know. I think i prefer idle disks and a scrub once a month or so.

What are your thougs on BMS for devices in a raid zpool for home NAS.

I turned it off now,

sdparm /dev/sdb -p bc -s EN_BMS=0

pve# sdparm /dev/sda -p bc
/dev/sda: HGST HUH721010AL5205 NE02
Background control (SBC) mode page:
S_L_FULL 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]
LOWIR 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]
EN_BMS 0 [cha: y, def: 1, sav: 1]
EN_PS 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]
BMS_I 1008 [cha: y, def:168, sav:1008]
BPS_TL 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]
MIN_IDLE 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]
MAX_SUSP 0 [cha: y, def: 0, sav: 0]

still not decided if its pros out weights the cons for how NAS though.