Will add more looks promising tho

Reads up to 7000MB/s and writes up to 5000MB/s, with an average power consumption of 6.2 W, and maximum of 8.9 W (in “Burst mode”).
The 1GB DDR4 cache is how I’d imagine it is able to achieve such as high write speed, but damn that read speed is impressive!
Edit: Woops, flipped read and write wording in that second paragraph. Fixed.
1gb doesn’t sound much for a read cache, I guess not really much for write. Maybe they store just space map/block table or something in the cache?
Would make sens to store table there and end of drive cache if there is any space
Hope its not more then like $180 for the 1tb (but samsung prices are retarted so doubt)
Samsung sre taking advantage of their reputation to price their stuff as reasonably high as they can.
I don’t blame them, I’m just a little butthurt that the good stuff makes me feel like pooor people…
7.877 GB/s is the theoretical limit of PCIe 4.0 x4, so this drive is nearing that speed.
Deff gonna be compatible with ps5
Nice to finally see a real next-gen PCIe 4 controller and not an overclocked PCIe 3.
Side note anyone know what happened with samsungs optane competitor never made it to consumer land?
I thought that was just VNAND Flash? Samsung was going to use vertical stacking to increase density but improve latency by staying at MLC or even SLC.
I believe that with technology improvements, SLC Flash latency is not too far off Optane.
Of course Optane has been improving, so …
The Znand stuff
Been like 2 years havent seen them really anywhere, really was hoping more competition on optane drives.
So I wonder if this drive will come with a heatsink? I can’t imagine that it’s able to dissipate heat effectively without one.
I don’t think M.2 drives should come with heatsinks.
I have not seen any setup where one size fits all would actually fit. The heatsink should be included with the board, laptop, PCIe card, etc.
Yeah, most decent mobos come with heatsinks from the factory so it doesn’t make sense to ship a high end ssd with it. Maybe will the mid to low end ssds should, since people might use it with lower end mobos devoid of m.2 heatsinks
controller might be good enough to not need one, early 4.0 drives are deff not top tier designs
Show me late end 3.0 drives that throttle without a heastsinks with airflow, cuz this “need” is not really there on well designed products, samsung knows what they are doing if it needed one it would get one. Remember flash likes to be hot on the controller doesn’t.
Samsung has came a bit late to the party with it, ADATA already offers the same performance, the only way how Samsung can outsell them is if the quality is top tier.
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