Samba help please

Trying to access my Samba folder (Ubuntu) from local network with my Windows 10 PC. No matter which tutorial I try I get errors such as “\ is not accessible. You might not have permission to use…”

At least it is asking for my credentials now. I’ve added a few users to sudo, it won’t let any of them in.

comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = home/icarus/sambashare
read only = no
browsable = yes"Windows_cannot_access"_0x80004005

Could it be this?

Also the whole wiki article is pretty good.

Nope, tried it but no change.

Based on that article it looks like it shouldn’t even be asking for credentials though…

only if you enabled guest access

accessing smb shares from non window$ machines is horrible.
Heres how i set it up and no guarentees it will work.
comment = media
path = /media/shared/media
guest ok = no
browseable = yes
read only = no

Then on /media/shared/media.
i use.
sudo chown -R user:group /folder/name
sudo chmod 775 -R /media/shared/media
sudo chmod g+w -R /media/shared/media

it usually works, but once in a blue moon i run into some random windows installation which has to reboot 10 times and then it works, if ever.
alternately try in your file browser use the address \\
that should get you there, again in my experien ces the problem is M$ handeling of network traffic, and lack of commitment to their own technology.

It should be noted i have seen this experice happen from windows to windows shares as well, M$ needs to step up their game.
so it is regardless of using linux to windows or windows to windows.

" chown: missing operand after ‘user:group’ "

also tried adding:
guest ok = yes
available = yes

Still no change though.

sorry fixed now didn’t know we were all anal about this.
On behalf of myself, and my ancestors i apologize trust in, i was talking to a grown up who could put together a chown command on his own, and ill repent by doing 100 shebangs in my scripts.

Sorry, should have specified, new to linux. I’ll give it a try.

come on there, don’t dramatize this too much :wink:

Note: To allow the usage of guests on public shares, one may need to append map to guest = Bad User in the [global] section of /etc/samba/smb.conf . A different guest account may be used instead of the default provided nobody .

from the wiki

Also you might need to enable NetBIOS/WINS host names, idk tho been ages since I used samba

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map to guest = bad user

is already in [global]. Do I need to edit that?

i wouldn’t at worst id add a mask to the filesystem, and nothing more.
Even though smb is used as a local file share, there is still some sense of security to keep in mind.
Again from my experiences your problem is not from user right or anything, but from m$ simply sucking at their maintenance of the smb protocol.
ill wager you that you could access the hell out of that share from any linux machine 24/7, but you’d run into this on M$ machines.
Aslong as you have the read/write permissions in place then smbd don’t really care.

@2icarus I came across this Youtube video last night maybe it will be of some use to you.

Thanks everyone. I can now access (some) of the files. I left it for a few hours and now it’s working. I’m not sure whose solution made the difference. I guess it was one of the changes combined with a reboot of the Windows PC.

Tried a different windows 10 pc and it has access to much less so akalotak’s first solution must be at least part of my original issue.

FYI: Sometimes the windows login can be an issue.
EX. Use /\ip address\$ instead of /\ip address