S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 have been announced

My !@#$ is so hard right now… Kinda want to go back and replay the original one… Never finished it dough…


Fuck yeah. That’s going to be bitching.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC was the first game I ever modded. Changed my life.

Put in a thousand hours or more before it came out for Steam.


Gotta finish dat dough

This is awesome news but I will remain cautious in my expectations.


I saw that in the morning and i couldn’t believe it until i saw some articles about it. BTW this shit is real. GSC official website has a link to the teaser site.

Was playing the first one while I was 14 years old if not younger. That’s probably why I am so crazy about such games with Slav/Eastern Europe, atmospheric AF, dreaded and hopeless settings aka Metro, This War of Mine, EFT,… man i love this shit can’t wait.

Let’s play some modded stalker in celebration xDDD.

Official teaser site:


Try Frostpunk… Legalized cannibalism, recycling dead bodies for food, HOPE is literally a bar on the bottom of the screen…

I was 20 and my English was rubbish… Had so many issues playing it, cause I didn’t understand what they wanted from me :smiley: Still enjoyed the situations - I am stuck here, not knowing what to do next, so I will go this way. And stuff happened…
We shall see… I am really … can’t say hyped, but excited about it…


I’m extremely excited for this game. Stalker was my introduction to PC gaming, I downloaded the original game on my shitty little first gen i3 laptop and it played at like 25 fps but i loved every second of it and played them all on that same shitty laptop. I own the book, I own the shirt, i own the games. my body is ready.


Ha, Athlon X2 with my beloved Nvidia 7900GT… XFX no less.

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I played the game a bit after it came out so integrated graphics could just barely handle it. Was 2012 I think


I had no issues running it back in the day. Thinking about it, I had pretty high end machine back in those days. Dual core CPU with the highest end Nvidia card at the time. But my English was so bad. I couldn’t understand half of what the game wanted from me to do, so I kinda Skyrimd it before Skyrim existed - I just ran around and did whatever… I had great time. Killed a lot of mutants and people and stuff.
I think I’m going to try and find a way to replay that game, this time with better English…


this is awesome news, but just once I wish a game dev would just pop up and go “oh, you know what game from years ago? Here’s a new one. Release? Oh, next weekish. Enjoy!”
fucking 2021.

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Bit dubious, the biggest challange I suppose is that they don’t try and make it multi-plat, or at least don’t do it in a way which dumbs it down, and comprimises the game. I have seen a youtube video where someone was correctly pointing out that when it comes to console games, they often have a much better narrative driven story telling experience, it makes sense, you can’t really (at least not untill recently) mod anything on those games, they don’t have the gfx, or the optimal interface conducive for a great FPS or Strategy game…

So all of what they have left is a story based narrative to create a compelling and value-worthy experience to the end user on the console front. And I despise consoles, I think its a walled totalitarian garden but I think it’s true. And they tried to make a Stalker 2.0 before that was multi-plat, and I think they came upon this same realization and axxed the project, it’s not just that consoles are less powerful, its that if you take away the movement keys you have like 8 buttons for the UI.

And I know we got games like Assasins creed, not many atmospheric open places in that, I mean there was in some parts, but in order to get a good looking game filled with things to look at and interact, a console port quickly devolves into a corridor game whether its narrow streets with building on either side (like AC) or actual corridors or in the case of Metro a subway system. And you have to bring in cover systems, and get rid of things like munition types and fire rates and stuff because of controller limitations.

And whilst it worked for games like Metro, and Bioshock and Bioshock infinite which found novel ways of creating ‘corridors’ or ‘corrodor like elements’ I think you struggle with an open-world atmospheric and ‘realistic’ game, I couldn’t imagine the compromises for instance of bringing Star-citizen to a console would entail, the entire flight dynamics would have to be reworked around 8 buttons, its an extreme case, but nethertheless a good example of what I mean.

Oh fun. I really must get round to finishing the originals, unlikely though I am super lazy with games.

Looking forward to how this all plays out. Hopefully they do not go all new game on it and strip the feeling of the original out.

They may… You know, Metro is largely made by the ex STALKER people, so there’s this… Hopefully they will make a good game. That’s all I want - a good game.

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Meanwhile, I’ve just started playing SoC again. A shame we do not have that much moddable open-world games. The Metro series was linear-orientated.

SPOILER: I remember the time when you finished the storyline of Call of Pripyat, you get the option to wander around the whole map as free-play, or you get onboard the helicopter and leave Pripyat, which finishes the game from here.

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GOG obliges and give us 75% discount to all S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games…


Remember when Stalker 1 was meant to be this big open world game? doubt anyone remembers those things about its early dev day talks.


It ended up turning out to be too big of an undertaking for such a small studio. What’s your point, you think this is gonna be a flop?

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Nope, just wondering if they will be able to keep to their word on what they are actually making, or strip %50 of the features and content out at the last moment.

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But the guy at the bar said I could come in…