Ryan on youtube

Yeah not sure where to post this sorry.

And i think i am not supposed to be here anyway :wink:

But today i worry a bit about Ryan: he is starting to fall of the screen!!! :rofl:

Or is it just me? Might be my screen settings:

Anyway his news items are quite prominent.
I am not saying Krista should move to the left, but do u see his right shoulder? Well i almost cannot!



They’re just gunna keep panning the camera left until he’s not visible and people will be thinking that he’s just communicating from a Skype call from a water bottling facility.


Level1 News May 2021:


Oh hi goal! I remember you :wink:

I think i know Ryan well enough to know he would NOT let himself be “panned out” anymore than this! :smiley:

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I remember you too. Lol.


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I go back to watch the rest of the show

*i like these long ones, 52 minutes.

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One might say he leans to the right… the far right… :grin::grin:

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ryan /ourguy/?