I have a weird problem I’m hoping some of y’all can shed some light on. I’ve had the RX 6800 for about 3 weeks now. Everything seems to be working fine. I updated to kernel 5.10.2, and am running mesa git 21.0.0, Linux firmware 20201218.r1803, and llvm 11.0.0-4.
Some games are working well. I have played hours on Cyberpunk 2077 and Overwatch without issues.
However, I am having issues with some other games. GTA V is not rendering the world correctly anytime I walk outside of a building. While inside buildings everything is as expected.
Is it possible I am missing packages? I have tried different versions of proton and that does not seem to be the issue. Any suggestions for troubleshooting are appreciated.
This is a bug with using ACO on some games, revert back to LLVM which should fix GTA5 (its just a variable). Also make sure your using radv and not amdvlk or whatever it is.
Some variables I use with GTA5, the main one that is helpful here is the llvm one. I use these all together with Heroic launcher.
A bug report has been made for this issue over at mesa github issue tracker I believe.
It worked! I was using Lutris, and there was also a bug in Lutris that prevented changing shader complier. It was fixed today, so If anyone has this problem then compile lutris from git and set RADV_DEBUG=llvm