Can anyone who uses RX 6800 on Linux share power-play tables dump please?
I’m working on this small tool for tweaking Radeon PowerPlay tables (sibradzic/upp @ GitHub), that is primarily aimed at Linux users (it should work in Windows as well). I am working on adding RX6000 series support, but I am lacking a video BIOS for any such card to actually test the code I am about to add to the repository…
What I need is either a full vBIOS dump or copy of pp_table:
I could extract the identical pp_table from the dump you provided (renamed your file to /tmp/AMD_RX6800_reference.rom):
python3 -m upp.upp -p /tmp/AMD_RX6800_reference.rom.pp_table extract -r /tmp/AMD_RX6800_reference.rom
Extracting PP table from '/tmp/AMD_RX6800_reference.rom' ROM image...
Found ATOM Common Table rev. 2
Video ROM information:
NAVI21 Gaming XL D41209
(C) 1988-2020, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Found 2470 bytes long PowerPlayInfo table v15.0 at offset 0x1AB0
Saving PowerPlay table to /tmp/AMD_RX6800_reference.rom.pp_table
I wonder if modifying 6800’s pp_table would actually reflect in amdgpu? Can you do a little test and try changing something simple like smc_pptable/FanStartTemp ?