RX 480 Could fry your MOBO?

yES for every card sold there will be a dead motherboards and the beast will rise.


however remember correlation does not imply causation, 1 person isn't enough.

Guys if you read the PC Per followup on the power draw testing they did, even they admit that there still isn't enough data present to validate whether or not this is ACTUALLY a concern. Also, they verified that while the Tom's Hardware testing DID register a 300W total power draw, it was instantaneous draw and not representative of constant power draw from both the PCI-E slot and the PSU cable. Ultimately we need more of these cards in more people's hands, with more use on a varied spectrum of motherboard over a long enough time line to confirm whether or not it's actually a problem, or if it's just everyone over-reacting for no reason at all. Yes, it IS concerning that the power draw is out of PCI-E spec, but whether or not it's truly significant remains to be seen. #MoreResearchIsNeeded

Wut? I think you misread my statement entirely. I never said Toms was wrong. I said people defending AMD by saying "LOOK AT THE 960 THO" are wrong. PcPer analyzed the two and said it wasn't really an apt comparison which I tend to support.

This is the post from eh AMD support forum about it. His card was OCed and apparently it was a 7 hour session.

Look I wouldn't say this is definitive evidence. Not at all. This is once instance with a million other factors. HOWEVER it is an interesting development that should be further investigated

Pretty much my position. I feel that those defending AMD to the death and those nailing them to the fucking cross are both stupid. Something IS going on though and it needs to be looked at.

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Yeah even PC Per didn't say the Tom's HW data wasn't insignificant, they just stated that it didn't really tell the whole story but should still be weighed in with all other testing results that have been taken so far.

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Yeah, i understand that...
What pushes my buttons is, that the comparison with the 960 is not to shift the blame, but to show, that there are cards, that do similar things with no real harm to the motherboards...

I agree... But i need something more than 15 extra watts of power, something, that is happening to other cards on the market, will kill your motherboard to start damning AMD...

Now this guy with the dead motherboard...

This idiot have FX CPU with no case airflow what so ever. Well, no wonder something overheated...

Can you post a link to this please? I haven't seen this yet. I also found a post (link in the OP) on the AMD forums with guy saying it killed his first PCI slot.

I'm definitely curious to see how this will all play out. If I remember correctly, the 960 also had reports of excessive power draw issues when it released... and lo, no one's board has bricked on them for using a 960, even when overclocked "heavily." I suspect the same will hold true for the RX 480, but again, that's just speculation on my part.

I was thinking the same, this image shows obvious signs of neglect to his hardware which is why i'm reluctant to even consider it evidence.

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it was linked a few posts above

Their point was though that it really doesn't do the same thing. Yeah there are spikes but average draw is much lower.

As for the guy yeah his PC looks like a mess so who knows what happened but it is an interesting point.

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I already have that linked up above. I though he meant here on the teksynidcate forum.

Oh, nah nobody has had anything die here.

That is valid as I stated however I am kinda iffy about dismissing it A) because it might have happened which is interesting and B) AMD is marketing this as a cheat budget card for everyone. It will be going in a lot of neglected systems with cheaper components. If it requires a well maintained high end bored kinda misses the point.

I am happy that PCPer have actually stated something sensible. They are turning i think into decent source.
But we need more data, and nobody gives more data... Except this guy with the dusty and non ventilated PC...

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The one takeaway on that shitshow rig is that he does appear to be using a lower tier 970 board for his PC. If it were kept in a system that was better maintained and STILL had this failure, then that would have been more telling. I have a friend that just bought an RX 480, so I'll be keeping an eye on it second-hand through his rig, since he comes to me a lot when he has PC issues/questions.

Also, wtf is with that PCI-E power cable he's using? Never seen a PSU with cables looking like that... likely not delivering the cleanest power anyway, which is ALSO an affecting factor with that system. Shit case + shit motherboard + shit PSU + shit airflow... well... if it LOOKS like it, and SMELLS like it...

I fixed the reddit link up above...accidently linked to pcpartpicker by accident. Here is the link if you want, but I'd take everything with a grain of salt. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/4qfwd4/rx480_fails_pcie_specification/

and by grain, you mean an entire block? x-D

this whole situation is nothing but a block of salt I don't think anyone knows what the fuck is going on.

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