Running a dedicated Phys X card?

Just a question of running a dedicated Phys X card. I'm ordering something decently beefy (saving up until the new AMD Steamroller come out next year), but I've been wondering. Could it be possible to run an R9 280X + a 650 ti as a dedicated PhysX card, or would I need another nVidia card to support it?

I feel like the drivers would conflict.


Why run PhysX in the first place though?

physx is stooooooooooopid

It's better if you let the CPU do the PhysX instead of having to different branded GPU's in one computer. The drivers would cause more problem then its worth

To the others in the tread, You sound like AMD fanboys ^^ 

Not in the least, PhysX is a proprietary mess that removes graphical effects from games and then puts them back in later in a very inefficient manor that could easily have been done, at a much lower tax to the system, using either the CPU or GPU.

your mom

Well it might be true but its not so often you see games with the same physics on a items as borderlands 2 without PhysX.

I turn of physx even with nvidia cards because effects it provides are unimportant and performance impact is big. I would rather have higher framerate that is stable.

And there are better physics engines out there that developers actually use when they make important features of the game. Physx will never be used for anything other than a couple of visual gimmicks because no one will make anything important just for half of the audience.

phyx is just a marketing gimmick. more badges on the box so it seems like the product has more features.

This. It reminds me of how I thought I was really getting something special by getting a MOBO with Virtu MVP, same story though for my system at least. Gimmick.

Great responses guys. I totally needed to hear that nVidia is stupid over and over.


I just wanted to know if something like this would be theoretically possible.

It's possible but not worth the trouble and money.

Thanks, appreciate it.