RTX on GTX cards

Rtx is a manafest failure. Lets see how old Nvidia card run it. Would Nvidia let the competition run it :slight_smile: no.

RTX needs to die :slight_smile:

I like the idea on something new. But we are in a world when next year it will be Nvidia and scrapy AMD and new born Intel in the mix.

As a consumer I want every choice to work on my PC like buying threadripper or Xeon still runs software.


So, before it was cool to hate them, essentially.

I’m not really "calling out " people like @domsch1988 who is reiterating the very reasonable position that $1k for what is basically Hairworks the Sequel is ridiculous. $1k for a gpu is absurd. We’re all on board with that.

What I don’t think is being stressed enough, and is not directed particularly at the user I am replying to although they are probably in that group, is simply the big massive loud trumpeting of RAYTRACING IS AGGRESSIVELY MEDIOCRE would only affect people who are looking at these cards solely through the lens of people who are judging Nvidia as some sort of evil corporation out for your very souls, and by dumb luck have the legitimate concern that $1k for a 2080ti is an absurd price to call on.

If you are Joe Blow gamer who has chosen to upgrade their PC for the best gaming experience possible, Nvidia still makes the most powerful graphics cards on the market. Period. The fact that Raytracing won’t blow anybody’s head off with awe is a complete non issue if you’re not anti-Nvidia already.

Yes. $1k is a lot of money. No, it is not a great idea to buy a 2080ti when the 2080 or even the 1080ti exist. But people are going to do it. Raytracing will be something they read on the box before they throw it away. The fact that a small segment of people are panning the RTX line because raytracing isn’t what they thought seem to ALSO be the people who had no intention of buying Nvidia anyway. They rest of the population just gets a boost in framerates and doesn’t care.

Not with RTX on you don’t.

Citation needed.

There’s heaps of info on it.

And that’s for something that during blind-testing, half the users weren’t even able to tell if RTX was on or off.

Half the frame rate for something that is difficult to even notice?

Sign me up!

Again, the fact that this feature isn’t great is not going to sway people who aren’t already anti-nvidia.

Actually it is, anecdotally the tech forums are awash with people passing on the 2xxx series and buying a 1080ti instead which offers appoximately the same performance as a 2080 in non-RTX scenarios (i.e., nearly every game that exists, and some that even have RTX you can’t notice that you can simply disable) for much less money.

Those people aren’t ANTI-NVIDIA, they’re just sensible with their money.

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oh, so they’re more moral. Okay.

Anyway, I don’t have anything more to add.

Title is really misleading. No shit making more revenue, their higher end cards are a lot more expensive than their last gen. I’d like to see the units sold versus Pascal, that would be a different story. There’s a lot of 2nd hand TIs going around in the market right now, and it’s no secret those are more appealing right now.

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Classic nVidia, invent a graph to suit their needs.

I was just curious what people were thinking about this move. I bought a RTX 2070 simply for the option to use ray tracing tech, not that I will, but I wanted the option. Like others have stated, I’m simply not too impressed with the initial offering of games that implement this tech.

My opinion, because of the performance hit, is that 640x480 gaming might make a return :wink: