I have just built a new system with a KFA RTX 3070 SG card. What I did not notice when ordering said card was that it has only one 8 pin power connector. From what I read this should be fine for the 220W the card supposedly needs but I am one to take the free boost from OCing.
I’ve played some Tarkov, Metro ex and now HL Alyx, so far nothing out of the ordinary and the card seems to be running fine…
Should I be worried about this? Dont the 30 series RTX cards have significant power spikes? Do I even try to OC or will that cable melt?
The PSU I got is a Gigabyte P750GM rated for 80+ gold.
Considering that the card will pull from the PCIe slot I don’t think you got anything to worry about, if you’re running your card stock.
I wouldn’t feel safe pushing any overclock on a single connector just because I’d be afraid of the wire gauge not being enough.
If you’re using a modular PSU you might try to get your hands on a bigger gauge wire for the 8 pin GPU connector to feel ever more safe.