RTW Application, learing python

I just found some files on my PC from a while ago when I was learning python. The files were a app that made to learn python, that scrapes info from RTW and displays it. I eventually got board with the project and forgot about it, so it is very basic and is very broken. Any ways I am uploading it in case anyone is learning python and wants to continue its development.



Thats awesome!!

I am attempting to learn python. For some reason i cant get myself to start.

You should learn try to learn how to work with django for websites. ;)

Ferman said:

Thats awesome!!

I am attempting to learn python. For some reason i cant get myself to start.

You should learn try to learn how to work with django for websites. ;)


Watch that video it is a very good starting point.

Dats pretty cool.

About a year ago I made a similar app in C# for ebay items, you entered the item No. and it updated you on the status (amount of bids, price, time remaining ect...)

But I too got bored and gave up. I tried it a few days ago but it doesn't work now because Ebay has changed the way it does stuff.

I hope to learn C++ and maybe Python one day, although I'm still noobish at C#

I found another RTW python script on my computer this on lets you log into RTW img and source attached.

