Followed the jumper settings PE8 (1,2), PE16 (2,3) but my m.2 and sata connected to minisas never shows up in bios, can confirm gpu that is populating pcie2 is being downgraded to 8x. Every slot is set to bifurcate 4x4x4x4 aside from PCIE2 (set to 16x) and all the devices on them show up. sata0_3 is functional though not sharing any lanes. Am I missing something or do I just have a messed up board?
Your jumper settings are correct. For troubleshooting I’d pull/move your GPU and set the jumpers to PE8 (2,3) and PE16 (2,3) just to see if they magically start working when not sharing with the PCIe slot.
Double check you’re on the latest BIOS revision. And lastly (or firstly) get eyes on the PE8/16 headers to make sure you didn’t accidentally put the jumper on an adjacent header instead.
Btw, welcome to the lv1 forum
For anyone else reading, the bifurcation settings for PCIE2/SATA4_7/M2_1/OCU are set by two jumpers on his ASRock ROMED8-2T.
Where did you get that image, just want to make sure as I’m using their https:// download asrock com/ Manual/ ROMED8-2T.pdf page 7,8 to reference jumper header
If you believe that your jumper settings are correct, then I would also check on the other components involved. Does the m.2 work in another board, is the minisas cable OK, is it a directional breakout type cable, is the m.2 properly seated in the slot, is the sata drive dead… The likelihood of 2 of those things causing your issues at the same time is low but it’s all part of the troubleshooting process.
m.2 is fine, minisas cable is fine as i moved both items to other ports and they work, will probably test moving cpu to not share lanes.
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