Retropie ROM issues

Ok I am going to ask that you bear with me here. This is definetly not my area of expertise, I'm still learning how to use linux and my raspberry pie. I am also horrible at explaining stuff... So basically I'm trying to put NES(.smc) and SNES(.smc) ROM's on my Raspberry Pie via thumb drive. I already have the thumb drive configured as FAT32 and I have hooked it up the Raspberry Pie for it configure the flash drive with the proper file system.My ROMS come as a compressed file either .7z or .rar. A friend gave them to me. Some of the ROM's are legitimate one's that he copied and modified off the original cartridges and others might not be. I'm not a 100% sure on which are legitimate. But any way, all the other ROMS he's given me such as N64 (.z64) look completely normal basically one big file and have so far worked fine on Retropie. Example:

Buy when I do the same for my NES ans SNES (.smc) which retropie can read the ROMS look like this ex:

Whenever I load the .smc files in the retropie it'll reflect ALL of the .smc files and clicking just one will end up pulling the start screen and after pressing start a weird texture or sound will play. Now I'm not sure wether I'm doing something wrong, I got janky files, or what. Any ideas or help would be nice and thank you in advance.

edit:Fixed the second example.

I'm not sure exactly what you are saying but I had issues getting n64 to work also. Overclocking the Pi helped, but it still didn't fix it entirely. If you are saying that your nes and snes games work fine and the n64 won't; I am going through the same thing. If what you are saying is something different I suggest checking this out.

It got me up and running.

I have retropie setup properly and I'm not having issues with my N64 ROMS. I'm having issues with the NES and SNES. I updated the pictures. The first picture (N64) shows one that works and pulls up normally. The second pictures shows what the SNES and NES ROMS...they pull up exactly as they are pictured on Retropie. Basically it's saying I have 100+ games for each ROM that I've downloaded. I'm not sure if I got faulty ROM's or what????

I personally would try roms from a different source or at least try to re-copy and past them. If that doesn't work just nuke your whole installation and start anew. (assuming you haven't messed with any advanced stuff that you may have forgot about) After that, all I got is a "good luck". Good luck.

Ok, I haven't messed with anything advanced. Thank you for your help.

So if I have a CD and rip it to mp3 and then share it with my friends it's legit because it came from an original CD, right? Right?!

As for fixing your problem, try extracting just the version you actually want. In that second example it would be "Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) [!].smc" or "Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) [!].smc" if you want the US release. The rest of those are translated versions. It may be having issues trying to load them from the archive.

Well it's not like I can go down the street to buy a cartridge myself and (in my opinion) it's better than downloading a copy off of pirate bay. As much as I'd like to discuss this, I'm not here to debate this issue that's for another time and I see what I was overlooking. It's multiple files of the same game. Well I had my stupid moment for the week. Thank you for your help and I'll be back to share my results.

I got it working and thank you for your help!!

I'm glad it worked out for you.