Resizable BAR Nvidia Drivers released... NO MORE ERROR CODE 43!

The NVENC/NVFBC limit might mean it’s a Tesla card.

Nobodies breaking Nvidia’s monopoly on GPU/Scientific Compute unless they have a competitor to CUDA. AMD/Intel will always be 2nd class citizens in this space even though they will trade blows with Nvidia performance wise. The open source nature of OneAPI and the large investment in it from Intel, might change that. If OneAPI does increase in popularity, there will finally be a way for AMD/Intel to turn the GPU market towards much more competition. Like the CPU landscape is right now.

Note: I’m not talking about gaming (Some of this still applies there).

Funny seeing Intel and AMD working together :sweat_smile:.

OneAPI’s Open Source links:

Article on AMD using OneAPI:

No one will break anything nvidia will break themselves.

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