I've put this link up so u can see about usa spying on mexico and french phone calls. 70.3million phone calls!!!!!!
And that wasn't even from a whole month of surveillance! It really is ridiculous, it like they are trying to (and almost are) spying on every single person.
also the pope..
damn cowboys. At this point, they should make a list of who they DIDN'T spy on.
The truth is the U.S.A have been spying on it's own people and it's friends for a long time Even before 911. My dad told me a story. Back in the 1950's when he was in collage a black car with two men in it pulled up to him on the street. They got out walked up to him pulled out there wallets... They were F.B.I. They told him to get into the car they wanted to talk to him. They went down to the F.B.I office. They sat him down and told him he was Under investigation but they didn't find anything wrong. They even said he can look at his file if he wanted to. Now I know what you are thinking why did they want to investigate him. It was becoues he is Russian. That's it... That's all the reason the U.S. Government needed to spy on him. This was back in the 1950's. Do you think all the spying started back up after 911. If the U.S. Government can do this to its own people 60 years ago. They have been doing it to everyone else the whole time. The difference is this time they've been busted. Before you get all worked up over America spying... Your country has been doing it to. The differance is your country just haven't been busted...yet.
Before WW2 they conducted a census (made a list), then during WW2 they started putting everyone on that list who was listed as japanese in concentration camps(guilt by association). Simply put you don't know what could happen with these lists, the less government lists I am on the better off I am, who knows what the government will have a problem with in the future?
It could be anything, the government might decide that people who don't believe in global warming are the enemy because they are 'destroying the planet', or they could decide that 'religion is evil because it is the cause of alot of wars', that certain groups of people are bad because of their political beliefs etc..etc.. Or maybe something you did when you were 17 becomes illegal 30 years later and you go to prison for it... What about for example the legal marijuana (as an example, please don't start a big debate about marijuana legalization) dispensaries, according to your states laws what you are doing might be legal but not the federal government, perhaps they put you all on lists, then maybe the state makes it illegal so you stop, but then the federal government comes in and arrests you all?