
I regret not having the balls that prevented me from demanding the high salary I deserved. I was an engineer with a masters degree that could not afford to keep my car insurance paid up, while the union carpenters and backhoe operators I was supervising were buying trucks, boats and 2nd houses.

I can only imagine how much money was $TOLEN from me by my bosses. All I wanted out of life was a house and that's not possible now.

So you help someone and got something in return and now you feel bad...

I bought a 980 ti classified last year some time. It's great and all just really wish I had gone AMD after all the Nvidia crap that's been going on. Even if it's a little less performance I don't care anymore

I regret not being able to look like an octopus like that stick figure guy.

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Hmm... only regrets I have that were in my control are:

Not going to college for the right reasons, I went into a field where I thought I could make money, I hated it (though somewhat ironically the field I work in is related and I love it). I also regret not changing my major when I had the opportunity to. I'd go back for computer related things now but eh... not that important at this point.

Not being myself earlier on. I've always been a nerd, a social outcast (thanks to factors out of my control...), it took me until college to start to realize that I could do what I want rather than what others expected of me...

Other than that, the regrets I have were out of my control so I can't really call them regrets. I'm a bit too young to have too many regrets anyway, experiences make you who you are which is why there's only 2 there. Yeah heartbreak and all that can be regretted but I live and learn so not really regrets. Perhaps in a few years this list will grow shorter as I continue to live and learn. You can't regret too many things in life... shit happens.

Me too buddy. I'm stuck in this god forsaken state. I'd much rather move to the east coast.

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I regret the thousands of hours I've spent playing video games. I regret my short lived career as a truck driver. I regret my first year of college ending with Fs in all classes. I regret never learning social skills. I regret a lot of things.

BUT, I've learned from those mistakes. Over the last five years of my life, I've changed drastically. Partially because I've gotten older, but mostly because I've learned from my regrets. They've given me the motivation to improve myself.

Do I regret them? Yes, very much. Would I change the past if I could? No, my life experiences have made me a better person.

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You live and you learn. I'm always grateful there's a tomorrow.