Went down the rabbit hole a bit too deep with this one. Initially started off as a slight refresh to my previous build and I ended up getting carried away.
I’m hoping to compare what other similar builds are getting temp wise so I can gauge if I’m in the right area or something might be slightly off.
Lovely build. My upgrades always seem to engorge into a massive overhaul when I do them too. Nice look. Always clean with a distro plate, and nice parts. Hope ya didnt get gouged too much getting your hands on em.
My rig (6900xt and 3900x) idles at 32c gpu and 40c cpu. Under load at 4.1ghz I get 72c. With cpu only, 75c cpu and 60c gpu playing cyberpunk. Water temp 38c on cyberpunk.
2x 280mm black ice rads.
I’d push my cpu more, but that’s all I can get out of it without going to like 1.3875v
Everything else is ekwb. Itx build.
Fan config:
idle: 30c, 400rpm
cpu load: 34c, 600rpm
gaming load: 38-40c, 1000rpm
Fan curve off water temp.
My gpu is overclocked to 2800mhz, sucking down about 280w 5m avg. Cpu does 110w 5m avg.
I’m not monitoring my water temps but that might be a good way to go for me in the future.
I have my fans set at 40% which is about 1000-1100RPM. Fairly quiet. Anything higher is much more audible.
With my 5600X @ 4.5Ghz 1.25v it’s peaking at 70c under heavy synthetic loads, but typically around 60c under some gaming loads.
The GPU is overclocked and sits at around 65c with 100% usage.
+200 Core, +900 mem
Idle temps for CPU around 30, again 40% PWM fans, and 30 for GPU. I kind of feel my CPU is a bit high, but I’ve looked at some posts online and it didn’t seem out of the ordinary.