Redundant/failover network implementation

I am trying to implement redundant/failover network layouts? I have several switches I am trying to interconnect, but when I do things become unreachable. The links all show that they are up and working. My current switches are as follows: tplink unmanaged, Cisco nexus N5K-5596UP, and a MikroTik CSS610-8P-2S+in. I will be adding a Cisco Nexus N9K-C92160YC-X once everything arrives.

@SilentKagemusha, it sounds like you have a network loop or don’t have the spanning tree set up correctly. I would be willing to bet the unmanaged switch could be causing the trouble. I would try removing the unmanaged switch from the network. Also, what do you mean by when you do, things become unreachable? Please provide more details on how everything is connected. Please list the steps you took to set up Spanding Tree. Another possible issue is that Mikrotik might not support the Spanning Tree protocol.

I have been wondering if the mikrotik supported it. The issue arises when I connect the mikroik and cisco together while both are connected to the rb5009 router. It seems to work, though further testing is needed, when the mikrotik and tplink are connected in the same manner.

It does support RSTP, and this is how it is currently reporting without the redundant connections. Port 1 is router and port 2 is wireless access point. For some reason the wireless access point is the root?

@SilentKagemusha I did a quick search and found conflicting information; one source said Mikrotik supports RSTP, and the other said it doesn’t. It has been decades since I had to mess with Cisco equipment, and like any skill, if you don’t use it, you lose it. I don’t have any experience with Mikrotik equipment.

I think I know the problem; according to Chatgpt, the wireless access point (WAP) is being elected as the root bridge. This usually happens if the WAP has a lower (better) Bridge ID than your other devices, including your router or core switches. I would change the bridge priority of the wireless access point higher than all the other bridge ports.

I found this YouTube video showing how to set up a Spanning Tree between Ciso and Mikrotik equipment. I hope it is helpful.

Thanks! I’ll give it a try and report back. :smiley:

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Sorry for not getting back to you. I received my new Cisco N9K, and my entire life has been consumed with trying to get that up and running to no avail as of yet. If you want a record of what that’s currently like: "No Route To Host"/"Destination Unreachable" Cisco Nexus N9K - #8 by SilentKagemusha

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