Recommendation for a Universal Remote Control

Not sure if Hardware is the right category, but oh well.
I’m at a point, where i’d like to get rid of some remotes. I’m up to 4 now i use all the time

  • LG TV
  • Onkyo Surround Reciever
  • Nvidia Shield
  • Onkyo Blu-Ray Player

So, between the rediculously expensive High-End Harmonys and the 10$ OneForAll Stuff, what’s the “best” bang-for-buck option here?

I don’t need ALL functionality of all remotes. Input select for TV and Reciever, Channel for TV, Volume for Reciever and the basic Android TV controls would be fine. More are appreciated.
Also, please nothing with touchscreens or that use your phone. I need physical buttons on my remote. I also don’t really need stuff like “scenes”, microphones, smart-anything or integration with GHome or Alexa or such.

Any recommendation is highly appreciated. Budget is flexible, but the cheaper, the better.

Harmony is nice but has gone very iot, older ones are much more work to set up but no iot crap.( I have one older and newer)

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To be honest, the Harmony Companion is the only one that’s an option. The older/cheaper ones don’t work with the Nvidia Shield.
But it’s 90 bucks for a remote controll. Thats… Expensive.

In go on sale in the US a lot. Usually around $50
Wonder what Shipping would look like I actually have a spare I am not using anymore since Roku became only thing on that tv after htpc changes

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Yeah I use the harmony hub + small clicky remote. Very frequently on-sale for $60, sometimes for $50. Works great, I have them with every TV in my house.

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