Looking to snag a 40 inch screen of some sort. I can get a Vizio TV for about $350 that's 40 inch, but the reviews are mixed. What are your recommendations for 40 inch (or bigger) panels at under $400?
If you can find a Toshiba 32" to 40" tv to use as a monitor for gaming you will not be disappointed. I used a Toshiba 32" 720p tv for the longest time and it was an awesome experience for pc gaming. Really rich colors. I also recently saw a cheap 40" Toshiba 1080p tv on sale for under $500 and for some stupid reason I passed on it. Again it had a beautiful picture. I really am beginning to think my experiences with Samsung haven't been as good as with Toshiba and so I will be going back to Toshiba when I see a decent deal. Also I can say if you see a ridiculous deal on a new LG tv from last year jump all over it as their LED/LCD tvs look amazing now. Now in regards to larger monitors well I will let others recommend/comment on that.
When i think gaming, low input lag is the #1 priority. I would look at the following sites.
go to page 2 to see the hdtvs.
this is one of my most favorite sites. they test everything about a tv. i chose my tv after researching on here. you can even sort for best input lag. but i would read the reviews so you can see the other qualities. If i was wanting a tv for gaming, i would be looking at input lag and motion blur the most.
This is a decent choice. it is $697, but it is 4k, has really low input lag, great contrast and black levels, is great in bright rooms, some of the lowest motion blur for a tv, and it supports 4:4:4 chroma at 4k.
The only thing that i don't like about it is that it doesn't support 24p playback (not sure if you know what 24p playback is, but it just means the tv can play back movies at 24fps, which is how they are shot, perfectly. it can still play movies, and you probably have seen movies on tvs that don't o 24p, but i am just a stickler lol.)For a tv, i need that. i am a film purest, and i love my blurays. But if movies come second to your gaming/pc stuff, then yeah, this is beast.
also, like most tvs, it has cruddy viewing angles, but if you are using it as a monitor.... then yeah, not an issue.
For cheaper 1080p options, Last Years Vizio E models have low input lag and low motion blur. the 39" and 42" are $360 and $450. they have a 40", but not an any online store i would shop at. the amazon links are in the review. (perhaps add the tekSyndicate referal code to the url when you buy it, if you choose amazon? ^_^)
I would say go for something with as little input lag and as high of a refresh rate as possible, I know it's not easy when getting such a large display but it's something to consider.
If I had a rig that could push 4k, I'd probably jump on the Korean 4k monitor that the fellas here did a review of. As it is though, I've got a rig with a 6950 in it which, while great for the time I bought it, isn't quite up to snuff right now. I'm in a position where I can either buy a new video card OR a monitor, but not both, and I don't really need the 4k as I'm in school and should be smart with my internship money.
I checked out the Vizio E series offerings. A 40" version of that is the one I mentioned I can get for around $365. The input lag seems fine to me. I do zero competitive gaming, other than the co-op FIFA I play with my room-mates.
And I'm not much of a stickler for the particulars. I'll be watching movies but I don't have any real desire for special features there. Honestly, I just want something that's not going to be a headache. With the Vizio E series there are many horror stories of receiving bad panels, but if I had a warranty of some sort I'd be willing to take the dive because of the price.
Mate, you may have just found me my best option. Toshiba 40" 1080p, ~30ms input lag, on eBay (from Best Buy) or direct from Best Buy, new, for $280 shipped? And it's got 200mm mounts and is light enough (20 lb) that I can put it on an independent swing-arm so I can have it at my desk and then rotate it around to the couch when I like. I can also pick it up in store when I get back to school, so here's to hoping it's still available then, as I'm gonna have to wait the 2 weeks until I'm back.