Don't know many suprisingly. I love Pissing Razors - Feilds of Disbelief [Album].
Don't know many suprisingly. I love Pissing Razors - Feilds of Disbelief [Album].
Well other than Pantera or Five FInger Death Punch I don't really know many either. The thing with groove is that Pantera was immensly influential in modern American metal, but there aren't many bands out there who are totally groove, only using elements of it.
I would not exactly consider Pantera Goove Metal as per my definition of the genre and definitally not 5FDP. Only 3 I can think of that fit my version of the definition is White Zombie, Skinlab, and Pissing Razors.
Would you consider Sevendust to be groove metal? I've always seen them categorized as such...
Sevendust is alternative metal. I could not even find a site that said they had groove metal influences.
groove metal? sounds funky
Morgan has said it in the past, Amazon stated it on their "Alpha" release, so on and so forth. It's there...
Yeah and The Acacia Strain say they are not Deathcore :P Also that is Amazon not, Metal-archives, Metal Storm, Spirit of Metal, etc (can't remember them all off the top of my head).
Not trying to argue or anything (arguing over Genre is stupid) just trying to point out the band and large online stores are the last place to be looking for an accurate description of a bands sound. Also not trying to bash Sevendust although I don't really care for Alt Metal or Alt Rock they are amazingly talented and have a very unique sound to them.
No it sounds Groovy, baby!
Later Pantera is very groove-oriented and even the early stuff has groove rythms. 5FDP is the same way.
Meh, I just listen to Thrash. Don't even like Sevendust..but my question was answered.