Realtek 8192cu OpenSuse 13.2

Hi all!

Been "trying" Linux since 2002 but the many issues with hardware compatibility kept me not going back, now i have more spare time in my hands and also trying to learn programming so i've decided to give it a serious go.

after using Ubuntu i've decided to try OpenSuse but as usual i'm having issues with wireless connectivity.

I have a TP-LINK TL-WN822N which shows as Realtek 8192cu, during the installation process it was working and was able to log in to the network but after a reboot everything was gone.

My issue is that i can't access a wired connection but i can boot into Ubuntu which has it working.

On both distros i get an error when installing the downloaded driver, i had this fix for Ubuntu (which was kinda working for 2 seconds after every reboot):

sudo apt-get install --reinstall build-essential dkms git
git clone
sudo dkms add ./rtl8192cu-fixes
sudo dkms install 8192cu/1.9
echo "blacklist rtl8192cu" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

This required a connection which i don't have now, any idea?


have you checked whether your adapter is recognized on your system. I'm guessing it's a USB wifi adapter, so you'd have to run "lsusb" to list the usb devices. Does your system also have a built-in wifi adapter or PCI/PCIe adapter (you can check that with lspci)?

Here's the lsusb, it recognizes it correctly (don't have any other network device):

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:8000 Intel Corp.
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:8008 Intel Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 004: ID 17a0:0302 Samson Technologies Corp. GoMic compact condenser microphone
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 1038:1362 Ideazon, Inc.
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0bda:8178 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8192CU 802.11n WLAN Adapter
Bus 003 Device 005: ID 04b4:0101 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Keyboard/Hub
Bus 003 Device 006: ID 058f:6387 Alcor Micro Corp. Flash Drive
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

sudo modprobe rtl8192cu

Linux kernel supports your wifi adapter fine, it should auto load, if it doesnt you can run that command. what have you dont that took you to needing to download and compile code?

Also whats wrong with your wired connection? are you trying to get wireless or wired to work?

That command doesn't return any value, goes straight to the prompt.

Can't physically connect a cable to the router, trying to make wifi work (high gain adapter).

On Linux no feedback means success. thats the driver for your wifi and the one used during the install so it should work in theory. Check the software your using to manage it and maybe try alternative software (like wifi-menu in the terminal)

After a long troubleshooting in the OpenSuse forums and lots of learning this is what's needed to make it work:

-Add Pacman repos (Yast)
-Install dkms (Yast)
-Install Git (Yast)
-Update Kernel (Yast)
-Install devel_basis (zypper install --type pattern devel_basis)


git clone


sudo dkms add ./rtl82192cu-fixes


sudo dkms install 8192cu/1.9


sudo depmod -a


sudo cp ./rtl8192cu-fixes/blacklist-native-rtl8192.conf /etc/modprobe.d/

Reboot :)


The remarkable thing about it is.. if you look at what took you so long to figure out... is basically the same thing you did on ubuntu.. you grabbed the repo for the dependencies and you built the kernel modules...

Thats why I argue that its never the distro that causes the darn problem... (not saying you said that) just saying why I am very open about distros.. even though I stick to OPensuse... Good fix by the way...

now if only Broadcom could make nice with linux haha

The remarkable thing about it is.. if you look at what took you so long to figure out... is basically the same thing you did on ubuntu.. you grabbed the repo for the dependencies and you built the kernel modules...

Thats why I argue that its never the distro that causes the darn problem... (not saying you said that) just saying why I am very open about distros.. even though I stick to OPensuse... Good fix by the way...

now if only Broadcom could make nice with linux haha

Not saying was a distro fault, trying to adapt a very specific blog guide to it was.

But at least by going to very unnecessary dark places i've already learn a lot more than i've ever did before.

Very important for all that to work is to switch to Network Manger in Yast beforehand, will install 'iw' which is on the installation medium so no need for connection at that point.

Thk a lot for your explaining the route of how to be universal on Linux. That helped a lop (used pvaret repo on Mint, worked well, OSuse - troubles until found your receipt)
1st of all, ´m from Russia, and here we like strive solutions, so when I found yours, I was astonished.
Little bit later I was unpleasantly surprised, I was on vodka and my pet-bear prevented me from thoroughly examining the solution (BTW, when they say we´ve got bears running around our roads - that´s totally lie, we´ve got no roads, directions only).
Next day, when my pet-bear was successfully sleeping and I was totally sober, I found the following two (intentional, I suppose) mistakes

here, for this damn thing to work, we´ll have to paste a slightly different command prompt line like this:
sudo dkms add ./rtl8192cu-fixes

no first ¨2¨ symbol in the directory name gives us the right direction. Never mind poor dkms.

2nd thing to be noted is hidden here

ver. # is slightly ... erroneous, I´d say. It should be 1.10 instead of 1.9

so, the right thing would be:
sudo dkms install 8192cu/1.10

everything else remains the same even on initial Leap 42.1.

Except of one beautiness. pvaret driver is operation on kernels up to somewhere 4.1. Later kernels won´t do, and you´ll just have a disabled wi-fi hardware.

So, in order to keep your 822n working, please, find a way to block kernel updates (or downgrade to an older kernel).

Good luck, fellows.
Many happy ears to TS.