Really good game that is sort of like "The Last of Us" but on PC

Hi there,

I was just watching a playthrough of the Last of Us because my girlfriend wanted to, and the more I watch it, the more I want to play it.  I can't play it because I don't have a PS3 or the funds to buy one.  If there is a really good game with a really good story on PC, let me know.  I was thinking Dishonored.  Any thoughts on that?  Thanks in advance!


EDIT:  I only have $22.00 to spend.

EDIT2: Also, Fallout New Vegas looks fun.  Thoughts?

Dishonored doesn't come anywhere close to the Last Of Us in terms of story. Hell, I sold my 360 and bought a PS3 just to play that game.

If you're looking for story, then I'd get the Walking Dead. You don't need to have read the comics or watched the show to get into it, either. You don't have to think about it as much, but it's still hard hitting.

+1 on Walking Dead games. They are AMAZING.

Just watch the stream, hold a PS3 controller in your hands, and slowly get more and more frustrated with how terrible the actual 'gameplay' is. Still never understood peoples fascination with the Naughty Dog adventure games. The story is usually pretty good but the controls and 'action' is about as clunky as you can get.

Your out of luck, the only thing that comes close to my mind on PC is Metro series, although, it's narrative style is more on the Half Life/Valve style where the NPCs and the environment tell most of the story and you're just a mute protagonist. Nonetheless, a very effective narrative style for FPS. Bioshock Infinite is FPS, but had the same style of story telling as ND's games, although, be it a different tone and pacing. Dishonored also falls in that mute protagonist that is the Valve way, although, NPCs and environment are not up to snuff as Metro or Half Life, but still damn good with the implied narrative style. You will thoroughly enjoy Dishonored if you take stealth very seriously like I do.

Well, I'm not really into the telltale games.  I've tried them, I just can't get into them.  What about Dragon Age: Inquisition?  Does that have a good story?

Haven't played any of the Dragon Age games, so can't comment on that. The closest things story wise to the Last Of Us are other Naughty Dog games, which are all console exclusives. Some people like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, which again are console exclusives. Then there's Red Dead Redemption which is another console exclusive.

L.A. Noire, the Mass Effect Series, Alan Wake (if you like a bit of horror), and Assassin's Creed 2 and 4 all have good stories.

I liked GTA V's story, so that's an option when it comes out.


I found that the Last Of Us' story was really helped out by the atmosphere of the game as well as the music and there isn't a game that I can say has had the same impact on me. If you like the playthrough you're watching, I'd get the music. Gives me goosebumps hearing it.

Also, whose playthrough are you watching? I'd recommend FRANKIEonPCin1080p because he doesn't talk over anything, but the last couple of his playthrough videos were taken down because of copyright claims. He also did the DLC.

Edit: Just checked and he's uploaded parts 6, 12 and 13 to Daily Motion. You just have to Google Frankieonpcin1080p the last of us part *number*

The new Tomb Raider game. The Last of Us is like Uncharted with zombies. And the latest Tomb Raider's been inspired a lot by Uncharted. However, the gameplay is much, much better than Uncharted or The Last of Us. The story is a bit cliche, but so is The Last of Us. It's a good origins story though. It's fun and engaging. Shooting mechanics are awesome. The game has this amazing soft cover system that every third person shooter should adopt and it's just generally a really satisfying experience. It's one of the best games in the last several years IMO. Much better than TLoU or Uncharted.

Seconded on Tomb Raider. Very Uncharted in look and feel but actually has fun gameplay.


Dragon Age Inquisition has some superbly written characters but the story is your usual Bioware fare. If you liked games like Mass Effect and KotoR (both KotoR games are currently in the Humble Bundle for $12) then you'll enjoy it.

I wish they would do a modern remake of KotoR in the new engine... it was my go to game-all-day game back in the good old days 

Naughty dog are excellent story tellers and a whizz at programmable shaders, hence why they were able to push the ps3 so far.

I have high hopes for them with the next uncharted on the ps4.

Let's face it, Naughty Dog are probably the main reason quite a lot of people bought a ps4 in the first place:)

Tomb Raider is currently on sale on Steam. GOTY for 5.99. Regardless of your currency, that's dirt cheap so get it.