RDP Client for Macintosh

Does anyone know of a reliable RDP client for Macintosh that doesn’t come from the IStore (or whatever Apple calls it) and isn’t virus laden or suck?
Basically, I want to be able to RDP from the Mac to Windows servers, but I don’t want an IAccount, so I think that rules out the Microsoft RDP client…

Any suggestions?

Is VNC off the table?


VNC is of course an open source solution that works with everything. Its not the best performing or anything but its there, it works.

Lately, I’ve been using TeamViewer for cross platform RDP for some personal use. It has great performance which I need, but is only free for personal use so it depends on if this is for a business.

Microsoft does have an RDP client for Mac but I think it may be abandon ware at this point sadly…

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Used that back in the Sysadmin days. Really useful.

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Pretty much :confused:

Where is the Remmina of Macinstosh?

isn’t there a freerdp build for mac?

edit: while not a direct option there seems to be a way to get freerdp on mac - check the mac section:

I guess I could set up VNC on my Windows desktop VM and then vnc into that and then rdp into the servers.

Any advice on setting up secure vnc between a Mac and Windows machine?

I forgot to mention that Chrome remote desktop is a great cross platform tool for remote supporting users but not so great for managing servers as it requires user interaction to accept connections.

As for Mac VNC clients, one of the best is built right in. Just press cmd + k and type in the url: vnc://192.168.1.xxx or whatever address you use.

I’ve also liked Chicken of the VNC as well.

Ideally I could rdp directly into Windows servers, like I can ssh into Linux servers.

FreeRDP is going to get a shot since it’s likely I’m getting homebrew anyways.

The vnc path is interesting. I’d just vnc into a Windows box and then rdp off that box into the servers. Only thing is vnc isn’t secure from if I remember correctly…

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You can use SSH to encrypt it without installing anything additional on the Mac. I can look up the command tomorrow if you have trouble.

It sounds like a google search of how to configure a secure vnc client on a Windows machine might be a good start for me.

Unfortunately, the default VNC client in macOS will not be compatible with a secure VNC solution on Windows.

Here’s the SSH method:

ssh -NfL 5900: user@windows-machine

In Finder, type CMD K to open the “Connect to Server” window.

Type vnc://

I just pulled that from http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.20/20.07/VNCOverSSH/index.html

I remember using a custom port, but I think that should work fine.

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Microsoft has an official RDP client for osx which I’m pretty sure can be downloaded from outside the app store and recieves updates pretty often.

Why the requirement for not using the app store?

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Completely agree with the above. I’ve used Microsoft’s own MacOS based RDP client on my Mac systems and haven’t had any issues with it - works exactly like the one included in Windows.

VNC would be my next choice if you need to access other non-MS OSs or already have this deployed.

I’m used to linux where I don’t have to create an account for software. I’m a creature of habit… why the heck do I have to sign up for a software repository???

Unfortunately, it looks like I’m going to have to get a IAccount anyways. So Microsoft RDP ftw!

PS I <3 LInux

Dude signing up for AppleID just raped my privacy…

Sorry for the harsh term - but I’ve been violated.

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Then create a burner email, problem solved

Doesn’t the Apple ID also need a credit card? I know it will at least pester you for one when you try to download something.

Microsoft’s own RDP is very good.