Razer viper ultimate without synapse

Hey Guys,

Is anyone running a razer viper ultimate mouse without synapse? For some reason if my computer starts without the software installed the mouse doesn’t work, however, if I run the app, then kill it, it works. What also weird is if I run the installation, the mouse activates even though I cancel installation. Anyone experience anything like this before?

Linux? Or Windows?

I’ve run an Viper mini, on my Linux laptop, without a wisp of concern
I would MUCH like to perform some dpi adjusting / whack the LED… but Synapse doesn’t exist

Also run a lefty viper, off my KVM – never bothered with Synapse #itjustworks

I haven’t tried is so I’m not endorsing it, but there is github project called “OpenRazer” that claims to do all the core functionality of Razer’s synapse and I’d be willing to be that its less buggy considering how much of a dumpster fire synapse is---- obviously we’re talking linux with openrazer since synapse is windows only.

@Johnathan_Kong I have the same mouse, but I can’t bare to use it without synapse because I want my rgb effects, lol. I haven’t noticed that behavior with mine, are you running yours directly connected via USB, over the dedicated 2.4GHz dongle?

Hey guys, thanks for the input. Im trying to use the viper with windows 10 pro. I have a feeling that synapse is causing my kvm grief, but without it the mouse is not working at all. I really like the mouse so id rather not replace it, i got the cyberpunk verson and it looks incredible.

My windows install is old and has gained lots of “test” software. Maybe its time to format everything and upgrade to windows 11.

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