Rate my first build

These are the parts I've found that I hope will work well together







Power Supply:



Then of course any old mid tower case, hard drive, optical drive etc. This would be my first build so is everything on this list compatible? My main concern in the compatibility with the ram and the motherboard because I went a little on the cheap side with it. Thanks for any help you guys can give me.

Thats not a great motherboard with that big of a processor. Try finding a larger mother board so you have some room for upgrading. Also I would consider that you save up and buy a graphics card like a 650 ti boost 2gb

What about something like this 


Thats better then the first one. Gives you a little more room to upgrade

Just make sure the processor is compatible with it

Get a psu with less watts and 80 plus. Should grab a better motherboard.

No keep the psu it gives you room to have a graphics card in the future

I'd go with this http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1kZrw

If you get the parts fast, while there are promo codes and combo deals, you can squeeze in a Hyper 212 Evo for overclocking.