I’d like to build a Raspberry Pi (or possibly some other SBC) travel router/NAS.
I travel a lot, and take a lot of travel/photojourno photos/video. Often, I need to move files from my memory cards to some other storage so I can use them again the next day.
I’d like to add some NVMe storage to the Raspberry Pi (The new Raspberry Pi 5 has support for PCIe) that I can use as a NAS to copy files over the ad-hoc network that the device will create.
It would also be convenient to be able to incorporate a built-in card card reader, which would basically just be a USB card reader that’s semi-permanently attached to the Pi, that can automatically copy the files from a memory card once it’s inserted, and then copy them to the Pi’s NVMe drive, and communicate in some fashion that the copy has been completed (or give an error of some kind in the event that copy fails due to there not being enough storage remaining on the drive).
The idea here would be that I can bring the travel router with me out “in the field” and if I need to backup a memory card, I can simply insert the card into the Pi (powered by a battery of some fashion) and go about my business without having to interact with the device.
There are devices on the market that do this, but they’re standalone, single-purpose devices, and pretty expensive.
Why not just use my phone for this? I often end up with a couple TB of files, and that’s not feasible to do with my phone or tablet, plus I’m also often using my phone for something else.
Has anybody done something like this?