Rant and hindsight about facebook and social media

That is exactly what they tell you when you request it to be deleted. They “mark it” for deletion. However I’m sure that any data they’re able to mine off it is never deleted.

If you’ve posted about your new puppy 10 years ago and deleted Facebook, Possibly won’t be long before you start to get ads for Dog vitamins and senior dog chow…


I spit my coffee out laughing thanks to you :japanese_goblin:

Ultimately have a bookface account, since having a few relations abroad to connect with.
I’d rather not have it at all. Will deactivate my original IG, but retain my alt.

I now see why you’re a toxic dick.

Leave your country, start a new one, and then Annex the UK.

Lets be honest here, guys, this place is our facebook. Well, at least its my facebook. I come here for literally everything, with facebook being more a portal to my local friend hub than anything else. Equally its still a toxic shithole and allows toxic ppl access to me in return, so I’ve in general stopped using it as much, but still log in. Just to see what IRL ppl are up to and to drop an update.

If anything, rn I’m just using it to sell crap off. I stopped posting a few days ago, kinda cut a bunch of ppl off, I’ve actually been feeling a hell of a lot better this morning.

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Haven’t been on facebook for something like 8 or 9 years I think, I’ve saved a ton of time by just not using Facebook, Twitter, etc. I had some bot accounts to mess around awile back, but those all got suspended lol.

I think Facebook is evil but I cant say too much, since I lean on ReactJS for web development constantly lmao

Sealand will expand, to that neighboring realm [UK] : P

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TL:DR don’t use social media, even data mining aside its crap. Use the pre-curses like IRC, forums like this one.

I’ve grown the opinion that:
A) No need to create an account, they create a “UUID” for every “entity” their huge array of data gathering tools gather. They will get data on you, period.

B) They are getting gun happy firing off bans because once they have their talons in, your activity on the platform becomes a low priority. Is lots of activity a plus? Sure, but its fallen in priority- why? They have so many other means of collecting data, one being a massive pool of API back channels that its not such a high priority anymore to data mine off of direct platform activity.

IMO the cat is out of the bag. Short of doing some extreme stuff they will get the data they want from you.

I don’t want the apps more so out of time savings and mental health, not to deny data mining (thats a hard thing to stop). Second is I don’t want any trail of pics and comments- people use the term “right side of history” unironically and ignorantly- or rather arrogantly that they think what they post will be on that ‘right’ side, that they know where the future is heading. IMO is best to not post ANYTHING.

I have high hopes of the Linux phones becoming very usable, a phone that just does calls, SMS, pictures, web stuff. The few apps I need in my life that are not ported over can probably be run in sandboxed browser sessions via their web equivalents.


I pretty much did this.

Facebook for me is for

  • shitposting/memes
  • authentication to the oculus (as soon as something similarly powered comes out for decent price and is standalone, i’ll get off and onto that device
  • messenger/finding acquaintances

I’ve tried encouraging friends to move to signal for messaging but messenger is so sticky.

It and twitter are the only social media platforms i’m on. twitter is for news, memes, etc. and nothing i really care about too much.

But yeah, both can be toxic if you let them become too much a part of your life.

On the flipside, they profile you whether you have an account or not so…

there are toxic people everywhere if you’re in a large enough group. toxic assholes in the workplace, toxic people on social media, newsgroups, etc.

not be be victim blaming, but really, unfortunately people need to learn to cut them out of their lives. block contact, do not engage, etc. its difficult, but if you can learn to do that for the most part you can save yourself a lot of angst. it isn’t a platform problem, as again, toxic people are EVERYWHERE, not just on-line.

They seem more prevalent online as you’re typically engaging with a far larger group of people, in a far less personal way.


Yeah didn’t see the above exchange until just now. Seems… unwarranted.

Still, some people rub others the wrong way. Those who get rubbed the wrong way maybe need to make better use of the ignore/block features online imho.

I think you might be heavily misinformed by the media on this.

Your right in that the data is very valuable, but one of the reasons it’s not being sold for profit is all so that people don’t think the data is just being sold to whoever the highest bidder is. I actually think it’s a bad move, the data is valuable and could partially fund the nhs. They should be putting the price up for access.

At the moment there is a cost associated but it’s only for maintenance. No money is made from it on purpose.

The data is also extremely useful for research of disease and other medial issues and does have a benefit to the public as the outcomes of that research and planning allow for better treatment and more effective allocation of resources.

As for the database being breached… it sounds like you believe this is a new thing? The NHS has already digitised medial data for years and has already been sharing data with researchers for years in all parts of the country. This isn’t a new thing.

Not only has all NHS organisations been storing medial data digitally for over a decades they’ve been sharing it for just as long or longer. And more recently you’ve been able to access your medial data online for years as well.

As for insurance… you’re aware we don’t buy insurance for NHS treatment.

I’m afraid I think the media has done a number on you. British media pushing fearmongering and histeria like pros

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Made the decision over a decade ago.

For some context I worked in security in part of the data sharing wheelhouse for NHS patient data. The media failed to tell the whole story.

And yea you can opt out you’ve always been able to.

As for opt out or opt in well that a more complex issue.

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Definitely feel like you should do something about it but not sure what you can do… The laws here about that are pretty strict and even sharing medical data between different hospitals or districts requires your permission or a pretty high level request, so not just anyone can go and look at your data. Of course the laws about this could change at any time and none of that matters anyway if and when there is a data leak.

One thing that really used to piss me off about social media, and still does even not having been part of it for years now, is how people always seem to be parroting something they have seen on social media. Even now I sometimes see something in a news article or posted to other platforms about what someone has said on social media, and then you hear that same thing repeated by everyone talking about that topic.
One recent example of this is how literally everyone I know that has been vaccinated for the thing in the past year or so have said they now have 5G… and they do this after every consecutive shot. It literally feels like all of these people have suddenly become vegan AND started using arch linux at the same time, with the added bonus of being lobotomized and literally having no thoughts of their own anymore.
I feel like I can’t have a conversation about anything anymore without someone immediately talking in someone elses mouth.

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Facebook was so waste of time for me, I finally deleted my account now I am happy, Now I have time to do other stuff.

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It’s totally valid to have reservations about certain social media platforms, especially when it comes to privacy and policies. Facebook and its evolution into Meta have indeed sparked a lot of discussions about free speech and user comfort. On a different note, have you ever considered to buy instagram likes instant delivery and how it ties into our perceptions of engagement on different platforms? It’s intriguing how our preferences and concerns shape our digital interactions.

hmm i guess um special :rofl:
ive had little to no trouble with facebook and censorship…
that being said my reach is limited to a few dozen friends and acquaintances.

ive posted my own views and advice on covid. (recommending vitamin d and k long before it was evident to have an effect and cautioned against the jab from the off. i knew it would not be 100% effective and gave reason why.)
there should have been multiple covid fact check’s applied to my posts but i never got 1 my contacts never saw one on my posts and they all regularly saw them.

i posted about rogan, jordan peterson, pretty much called out every lie fauci, the who, bill gates told during covid, called out zuckerberg directly on his censorship of others.
moaned about russia gate, bidens laptop and Washington’s involvement in ukraine, before that was fake news.
none of it got me so much as OI! shhhhh!. from facebook.

the only time i did get hit with erm! you cant do that.
was when i posted a link to alex jones getting drunk with joe rogan.
fb sent a take down notification, and i objected to the take down request as eloquently as i could (its two idiots getting drunk and talking about ufo’s and the deep state).
amazingly facebook said ok upheld my objection and removed the block. :astonished:
i posted it again but 2 days later facebook blocked jones’s site entirely.


twitter on the other hand banned me for life*, for a Christmas joke, to a Jewish comedian :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
